What's new at GoodBarber? December 2019
Written by Mathieu Poli on

In December, we worked on the opening of the Add-ons Store for our Shopping Apps. As for GoodBarber Classic, the add-ons store is a library of additional features available for you to add or not to your back office.
3 add-ons are already available in the Shopping Apps catalog:
- Products import/ Export: manage your product catalog in a record time thanks to the import/ export via .csv file.
- Google AMP: Increase the visibility of your products and improve your users' experience on your PWA
- White Label: remove all mention of GoodBarber in your back office.
GoodBarber Shopping App
Add-ons menu has been released. 3 add-ons are available:
Product import/export
Google AMP (automatically added for all apps)
White label
Cart section
On AMP pages, fixed an issue that caused the add to bag action not working. PWA
Checkout page
Fixed an issue that caused payment method selection hidden when only PayPal is enabled. iOS
Search section
Fixed an issue that caused an infinite product loading when loading a new page. PWA
Swipe navigation mode
On iOS13, fixed an issue that caused a crash on rotation on iPad devices. iOS
Fixed an issue that happened on iPhone 11 & iPhone 11 Pro Max devices that caused the status bar disappearing on menu opening. iOS
Slate navigation mode
On iOS13, fixed an issue that caused a crash on rotation on iPad devices. iOS
Other fixes and improvements
Custom Chrome Tabs are now available when browsing to an URL. Android
The iOS engine is now optimized for iOS13. iOS
The iOS11 compatibility has been dropped from the iOS engine. iOS
All UIWebView components have been removed from the iOS engine. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused all link to an email not working on iOS13. iOS
Fixed some Firebase issues. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused a Javascript Interface Injection vulnerability alert in the Google Play Store. Android
Fixed an issue that could cause some links from detail views not working. iOS
GoodBarber Classic
Article section
In detail view, fixed an issue that caused the banner image missing. iOS
In template 8 & 9, fixed an issue that caused the page blank when trying to open it on a specific category. iOSAndroid
Video section
In template 8 & 9, fixed an issue that caused the page blank when trying to open it on a specific category. iOSAndroid
Photo section
In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the photo description not displayed. PWA
Map section
Fixed an issue that caused the distance text being hidden after scroll. PWA
Fixed an issue that caused the comments loading indicator not being hidden. PWA
Fixed an issue that caused a wrong order in the list when the geolocation sort is enabled. Android
Sound section
On Android 8.0 devices or above, fixed an issue that caused the sound playing stopped when the app is in background. Android
Bookmark section
Fixed an issue that caused the event detail screen design broken. iOS
Search section
Fixed an issue that caused a 404 page displayed when there’s no searchable content. PWA
Menu section
In template Scratch, fixed an issue that caused the css not interpreted. iOS
In template Scratch, fixed an issue that caused the node empty when there's no additional file added in the backoffice. iOS
Form section
Now the number of files sent to the form is displayed. PWA
Settings section
Fixed an issue that caused the new line spaces not displayed. PWA
Fixed an issue that caused blank cells on devices with dark mode enabled. iOS
Custom section
In template HTML, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application. Android
In template HTML, fixed an issue that caused the page blank. iOS
Plugin section
Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application. Android
Fixed a lot of issues that appear with the iOS 13 Apple update. iOS
Swipe navigation mode
On iOS13, fixed an issue that caused a crash on rotation on iPad devices. iOS
Fixed an issue that happened on iPhone 11 & iPhone 11 Pro Max devices that caused the status bar disappearing on menu opening. iOS
Slate navigation mode
On iOS13, fixed an issue that caused a crash on rotation on iPad devices. iOS
Scratch navigation mode
Fixed an issue that caused the css not interpreted. iOS
Authentication add-on
In the login view, fixed an issue that caused the text in text fields empty on device with dark mode enabled. iOS
In the Users list section template 2, fixed an issue that caused the borders not displayed. iOS
Facebook SDK for login has been updated the 5.11.0 version. Android
Facebook JS SDK for login has been updated to the latest version. PWA
In the Users list section, fixed an issue that caused the pager not working when the users where sorted by date of inscription. Android
In the Users list section, fixed an issue that caused a wrong filtering when both group filters & sorting were enabled. Android
Fixed a display issue on the DFP interstitial ad. PWA
In the edition profile screen, fixed an issue that caused the text displayed white on white. iOS
Chat add-on
Now the sender name if displayed on new message notification. iOS
Fixed an issue that could cause an error on message sending. iOS
External ad network add-on
Update of the AdMob SDK to the 7.52 version. iOS
Update of the DFP SDK to the 7.52 version. iOS
Update of the AdMob SDK to the 18.3.0 version. Android
Update of the DFP SDK to the 18.3.0 version. Android
Now the AdMob banners size are fit to the screen width. iOS
Facebook Audience SDK has been update to 5.6.0 version Android
MobPartner ad network has been removed from GoodBarber. iOSAndroid
Other fixes and improvements
Custom Chrome Tabs are now available when browsing to an URL. Android
You can now add Google Tag manager to your PWA. PWA
The iOS engine is now optimized for iOS13. iOS
The iOS11 compatibility has been dropped from the iOS engine. iOS
All UIWebView components have been removed from the iOS engine. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused all link to an email not working on iOS13. iOS
Fixed some Firebase issues. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused a Javascript Interface Injection vulnerability alert in the Google Play Store. Android
Overall performance improvements. PWA
Fixed an issue that caused some pages leading to a 404 after being shared on Facebook. PWA
Fixed an issue that could cause some links from detail views not working. iOS