
What's new at GoodBarber? January 2020


Be ready, 2020 will be full of surprises for your apps!

For starter, discover a major novelty for your Shopping Apps: a new type of widgets available for your Home: Navigation widgets

Don’t wait, try them out! They offer unlimited possibilities to optimize the navigation on your app and guide your clients around your shop :)

GoodBarber Shopping App

  • Home section

    • You can now add navigation widgets to your home page. iOSAndroidPWA

    • In widgets Promo Banner, you can now add a background image. iOSAndroid PWA

    • Fixed an issue that caused some widgets empty on the first launch. iOS

    • Fixed an issue that caused the gradient background of widgets not displayed. iOS

    • In widgets HTML, fixed an issue that caused the click on links not working. iOS

    • In widgets with SlideShow templates, fixed an issue that caused the widget displayed with a wrong height.

  • Product detail page

    • When a push notification is sent with a product link, fixed an issue that caused a 404 page opened. iOS

  • Checkout page 

    • Fixed an issue that caused the login view not opened on full screen. iOS

  • Other fixes and improvements

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the app not updated with the last design modifications. iOS

    • Fixed an issue that caused the click on the header's title not going to the home page of the app. iOS

    • Fixed different issues happening in the app when the dark mode is enabled. iOS

    • Fixes some issues that caused error in the Firebase stats display. iOSAndroid  

GoodBarber Classic

  • Home section

    • Fixed an issue that caused some widgets empty on the first launch. iOS

    • Fixed an issue that caused the gradient background of widgets not displayed. iOS

    • In navigation widgets, fixed an issue that caused button display with the wrong color.

    • In navigation widgets, fixed an issue that caused a wrong corner radius of buttons.

    • In widgets with SlideShow templates, fixed an issue that caused the widget displayed with a wrong height.

    • In widgets HTML, fixed an issue that caused the click on links not working. iOS

  • Article section

    • Fixed an issue that caused the [LEADIN] token not interpreted. iOS

  • Video section

    • In template 8, all the cell is now clickable. PWA

    • In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the background not display on the whole width. iOS

    • In detail view, fixed an issue that caused the iframe displayed with a wrong ratio. iOS

  • Form section

    • Fixed an issue that caused the background color not applied in all the view. iOS

  • Authentication add-on

    • Fixed an issue that caused the opening of the User Profile section long. iOS

    • In the push notifications settings page, fixed an issue that caused a wrong color used as background. iOSAndroidPWA

  • Community add-on

    • In the users search panel, fixed an issue that caused hidden fields displayed as search filters. iOSAndroidPWA

    • Fixed an issue that could cause wrong result in the users search result page. iOSAndroidPWA

  • Chat add-on

    • Fixed an issue that caused an outdated profile picture displayed in the messages list.

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the message sending not working.  iOS

  • Internal Ad network add-on

    • Interstitial ads are now displayed when click on a content list.

  • External Ad networks add-on

    • AdMob interstitial ads are now displayed when click on a content list.

    • DFP interstitial ads are now displayed when click on a content list.

    • Fixed an issue that caused the DFP banner not centered. iOS

  • Live Audio add-on

    • You can now set a timezone when you set up the hours of diffusion. iOSAndroidPWA

  • Live Video add-on

    • You can now set a timezone when you set up the hours of diffusion. iOSAndroidPWA

  • Live + add-on

    • You can now set a timezone when you set up the hours of diffusion. iOSAndroidPWA

  • Other fixes and improvements

    • Fixed an issue that caused the click on the header's title not going to the home page of the app. iOS

    • Fixed different issues happening in the app when the dark mode is enabled. iOS

    • Fixes some issues that caused error in the Firebase stats display. iOSAndroid

    • In Firebase stats, the category event is not sent anymore when there's only one category. iOS