Bringing Some Miami Spice...
Written by Tina Test on

Hello Goodbarbers,
My name is Tina Michele Acevedo and I am the new Customer Care Manager for the Spanish speaking markets. I come to you all the way from Miami, Florida.
I studied and worked in New York City for many years and I gladly waved goodbye to it all to be a part of the GoodBarber team! I studied design and communications in school. In the past, I have worked in communications, content development, and community management for a variety of organizations that range from art galleries to start-ups and I am hoping to contribute the knowledge I’ve accumulated, to GoodBarber. In my last position at a start-up, I discovered my love of finding innovative and fun ways to guide users on how to use technology.
Some interesting facts about me: I am a published writer and I have also written a novella. Moreover, I dabble in painting. My curiosity is insatiable, I like to know anything there is about everything. I am currently working on completing my enormous bucket list. Now that I am in Corsica with the GoodBarber team, I can scratch off ‘’live on an island!’’
I look forward to helping you all achieve the ultimate GoodBarber experience!
Tina Michele