Jerome Granados, Monday 26 June 2023

Moving to a new datacenter

Since March, our systems engineers have been 100% mobilized on a data center relocation project. Our entire technical architecture is leaving OVH to move to a new data center. Everything has been done to ensure that this migration has the minimum impact on the uptime of your sites, your apps, your emails, and all the other services you use at GoodBarber / WMaker. The operation is almost complete. Here are a few explanations and, at the end of this article, a check to be carried out on your domain name configuration.
Mathéa Pellé, Wednesday 17 November 2021

GoodBarber celebrates its 10th anniversary!

This November 14, 2021, GoodBarber celebrated its 10th anniversary, just like the release of the iPhone 4s, the birth of Siri, the birth of iCloud or the beginning of 4G in France. A lot has changed since then; the world has evolved and GoodBarber has evolved with it. In 10 years, our interfaces have changed, our applications have developed; there are more of us and our users too. It's time to look back at the creation of GoodBarber and these 10 years of adventure.  But it wasn't all built in one day. If GoodBarber is announced in 2011 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the adventure really starts 10 years earlier, in 2001, when Sebastien Simoni, the current CEO of GoodBarber launches WebzineMaker. These years of reflection, development and innovation have made it possible to create powerful, customizable applications without going through the coding stage. This philosophy has guided us throughout the creation and development of GoodBarber, in a logic of perpetual renewal. 
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 13 January 2021

No-code, did you say no-code?

No-code is a term that is currently in vogue. Not a day goes by without a new no-code tool being posted on Product Hunt. No-code, low-code, all these tools are there to allow you to do extraordinary things, without writing a single line of code.  You're immediately thinking about GoodBarber? You're right :) With GoodBarber, you can create an app of your restaurant, an app of your grocery store, an app of your clothing store or an app of your local newspaper without any technical knowledge... but you already know that.  What you may not know is that GoodBarber teams have been offering no-code tools for 20 years! Yes, 20 years ;)
Jerome Granados, Friday 20 March 2020

Covid-19: GoodBarber adapts its offer to increase your communication capacities

  Every day, in order to combat the spread of Covid-19, new countries are taking strong measures to limit the social interactions of their populations. Many people find themselves confined to their homes. Faced with this situation, communication tools become the only way left for us to interact with the outside world.   With your GoodBarber app, you have forged a strong bond with your users. The current situation requires stronger communication to share important information and announcements, in particular, to keep your clients informed of the measures you are taking in response to the pandemic. This is why GoodBarber is adapting its offers for the coming weeks in order to increase your communication capacities.  
Jerome Granados, Monday 16 March 2020

GoodBarber & Covid-19

As soon as the Covid-19 arrived in Europe via Italy mid february, we have watched carefully the development of this situation as trade between Italy and Corsica, where our Ajaccio headquarter is located, is important and on daily basis. Since March 7th, the teams of our Ajaccio and Lisbon offices are working from home. Since Friday, March 13, the team from the Coimbra and New York offices are also working from home. 100% of GoodBarber is now in "Work from Home" mode. WFH is not something new for us. In our SaaS industry, we have a hyper-connected culture and organization. However, this is the first time that every one works remotely at the same time. Even if the adoption of this new configuration requires us much less effort than other more traditional companies, we consider that we are still in the learning phase to find an optimal way to operate. Creating the best conditions so that the totality of GoodBarber's collaborators and their families remains safe is our priority.  As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads across the planet, the reactions of individuals, businesses and public authorities to this crisis are quite mixed. For our part, we remain convinced that we must act quickly, without waiting for political decisions which sometimes take a long time to come. I do not know if it is our internet culture, our curiosity, our search for truth, our desire to understand, our way of tackle problems, or something else, but we very early, individually and collectively at GoodBarber made the decision to work from home to prevent the spread of the virus around us. Since mid-January, with the analysis of the evolution of the situation in Asia, detailed information has been made public by scientists from all over the world. Without being experts in epidemiology, they make it possible to understand what are the most effective actions to take to slow down the pandemic. Countries that have experienced major epidemics in their recent history, such as SARS in 2003, have acquired reflexes that European countries do not yet have. Very early on, they took wide-ranging measures to limit social interactions between individuals. The result is striking. It takes an average of 12 days for the number of Covid-19 cases to double in Asia, compared to 3 or 4 in Europe. European countries are applying containment measures late. France has even maintained local elections, creating a gathering of millions of people, in the midst of an epidemic! In the past few weeks, we have tried to prepare ourselves as best we can to continue operating remotely, without compromising the service we provide. There we are. The next few months are going to be difficult for everyone. Stay away when you can and above all stay healthy! While waiting for this situation to resolve , see you on the web;)
Sébastien Simoni, Wednesday 13 February 2019

GoodBarber among the Champions of Growth 2019

Every year, “Les Echos”, French financial newspaper, publishes a ranking of the 500 French companies with the biggest growth curve. We entered in 24th place. Created in 2011, GoodBarber has continued to progress and is now part of the top 3 App-Builders in the world (#1 in Europe).
GoodBarber Team, Monday 25 December 2017

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to everyone across the globe from the GoodBarber Team! We hope this holiday season treats you well...if you're in need of a last minute Christmas recipe don't forget about the GoodBarber Christmas app with all the team's favorites inside ;) Bon appétit et bonnes fêtes! 
Written on Friday 2 June 2017

World Environment Day 2017, when the GoodBarber team goes green

Did you know that Monday, June 5, 2017 is World Environment Day ? Like with a lot of celebrations, one can’t help the feeling that World Environment Day should be everyday. Nevertheless, our home planet deserves all the attention it can get so we figured we’d take the opportunity to showcase some of the actions the GB crew is taking towards making the blue planet a little greener, one small step at a time, and with bigger steps even sometimes— kudos Sebastien for setting up solar panels at home!
Written on Wednesday 17 May 2017

The Team’s Top Motivational Songs Playlist

In the weeks leading up to the release of GoodBarber 4.0, as you can imagine, there was quite a bit of animation at our headquarters and other offices, with a war mode, which consisted of daily stand up meetings, to perk us up in the morning and send us off with a boost in the evening as we watched the to do list shrink one or several tasks (striiiike) at a time!
Jerome Granados, Monday 3 April 2017

GoodBarber 4.0 | Next Generation Apps

Today, GoodBarber is getting a major update. GoodBarber 4.0 aims at revolutionizing the way you create apps. In 10 years, apps have changed the way we use the web. A very limited space—a small screen—and a not so precise pointer—the finger—have pushed designers to come up with radically new user interfaces. Clean and intuitive, over the years, they’ve imposed their standards on larger screens. These days, to keep the attention of a user, you must be able to deliver impeccable UX regardless of the device used, whether it's big or small. GoodBarber 4.0 tackles that challenge.
Written on Tuesday 7 March 2017

Mobile World Congress 2017 - A quick recap

Discover what attending Mobile World Congress 2017 has been like for the GoodBarber team! Learn more about our Meetup in Barcelona and let us know where you'd want to meet next!
Written on Friday 16 December 2016

The story of how we created a DIY Christmas app

Discover the story of how we created our Do It Yourself Christmas app, a free holiday season app, available on iOS and Android. When DIY app making and DIY crafts & recipes come together inside a beautiful app!
Isabella Leland, Wednesday 14 December 2016

US mobile internet advertising accelerated up 20 percent in 2016

The end of the year is near, which means it’s already time to have a look back at 2016! Figures of a KPCB report on Internet Trends depict what looks like a promising future for app creation in 2017, in developed and affluent countries, where mobile penetration is high, among which Germany, Italy, Korea, Japan, Russia and of course, the USA.
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 30 November 2016

GoodBarber at the AppDays 2016 : Feature Templates, Open Product...

For the second year in a row we decided to attend the AppDays, the leading event related to everything mobile held in France. In 2014, we couldn't make the trip because the dates coincided with the Web Summit event in Dublin. As a result, AppDays 2015 was our first experience, and a positive...
Written on Tuesday 15 November 2016

Happy Global Entrepreneurship Week

GoodBarber celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week with a special offer for entrepreneurs going mobile and amazing free resources to take your business to the next level.
Isabella Leland, Friday 11 November 2016

Most inspiring quotes from Web Summit 2016

Web Summit 2016, it's a wrap, and we have a lot to share with you this year! With so many different conferences and renowned speakers of different backgrounds confronting their expertise and points of view, Web Summit is really the place to learn from the best. Now, as a little sneak peek, we wanted to share some of our favorite quotes from this year's Web Summit edition, in Lisbon.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 1 July 2016

Meet the New Faces of Our Team

Hello GoodBarbers! It’s been a while since we introduced new #GBcrew members on our blog. Yet, it doesn’t mean that we haven’t been welcoming new talents among our Beautiful team. In fact, in the last few months, we’ve probably made more additions to our crew than ever in the past.