GoodBarber live from Web'12
Written by Dumè Siacci on

Announcedby Jeromein hisprevious note,GoodBarberis almost readytorelease itsversion 2.Sowhat's best to announceand introduce it than participatingin the essential annual meeting forcompanies and start-upof the web,Web'12.
For thosewho do not knowthis event,Web'12isthree daysof conference,demonstrationsand meetings withgiants such asFacebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google,ect.
It's also wheretomorrow's Internetis imagined.You understand thatit isa very important eventthat weabsolutelywanted tobe part of.
For thosewho do not knowthis event,Web'12isthree daysof conference,demonstrationsand meetings withgiants such asFacebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google,ect.
It's also wheretomorrow's Internetis imagined.You understand thatit isa very important eventthat weabsolutelywanted tobe part of.
On thefirstday, Dominique Siacci and JeromeGranados had many mettings, demo andinterviews each one more interesting than the other. Fora brief reporton Day# 1You really shouldwatch the videobelow,to watch it, you must register onlivestreambut we promise, it doesn't takemore than a minute.
This registrationwill not only allow you to watch the videoof thefirstday, butalsoto see thelive streaming ofday 2 and 3setat 3pm
on Twitter
This registrationwill not only allow you to watch the videoof thefirstday, butalsoto see thelive streaming ofday 2 and 3setat 3pm
on Twitter