
The Newsletter Widget


Sending a newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your audience and keep them coming back.
Whether you've chosen to make a PWA or a native app, your application is the exclusive meeting point for your community, and its important that it provides access to all ways of staying in contact with you or your brand. 

That's why we've decided to add a new widget that you can easily integrate into your Home, the Newsletter Widget

How does it work?

The Newsletter widget will allow you to easily get the list of your users who want to sign up for your newsletter. 

From your back office, you can customize the widget's design and get the list of your users in .csv format. Then you just have to import this list into the management system you use for your newsletter. 

And on the user's side?

Your users will have access to this module via your application's Home section. They just have to enter their email into the dedicated field and validate the request to let you know they want to subscribe.