What's new at GoodBarber? September 2021
Written by Mathieu Poli on

Introduced in 2015 with iOS 9, Universal links are Apple's method of launching apps on iOS when linked from a website. Android App Links are Google's equivalent to Apple's Universal Links.
These links are a quick and easy way to engage or re-engage users, improve retention and increase conversion.
GoodBarber Shopping Apps
Home section
Fixed an issue that caused the separator color not filling all the space. iOS
Product detail page
Fixed an issue that could cause options not displayed in the right order. iOS Android PWA
Bag section
The One-Click payment button is now disabled when the Delivery Slots add-on is installed. iOS
You can now deactivate one-click payment from the cart. iOS PWA
My Account section
In the add address form, fixed an issue that caused a crash when you tried to add an address with a country that has no regions. iOS
In form pages with disappear effect on the header, fixed an issue that caused the header leaving an empty space when disappearing. Android
Blog add-on
In the detail view, the font of the article title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
Store locator add-on
In the detail view, when the user is clicking on the map preview, a pop up is displayed asking which map service the user wants to open. iOS
In the detail view, the font of the store title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
In the list, fixed an issue that caused a glitch when displaying the Dollar sign. PWA
Contact form add-on
Fixed an issue that could cause the keyboard hiding some fields. Android
Other fixes and improvements
You can now automatically open your links in Safari by adding the JSON property openExternal set to 1. iOS Android
Fixed an issue that could cause the status bar being hidden. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused the consent popup not displayed on iOS15 devices. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display for the gradients applied on header's title. Android
On iOS devices with PWA installed on the homescreen, fixed an issue that could cause the header being displayed on top of the status bar. PWA
Fixed an issue that caused a display issue of header shortcuts when the option "displayed as button" is enabled. PWA
GoodBarber Classic Apps
You can now activate Universal Links and benefit from this powerful marketing tool to increase user engagement.
Home section
Fixed an issue that caused the separator color not filling all the space. iOS
When using a widget Internal Ads, fixed an issue that could cause the following widget flicking. iOS
Article section
In the detail view, the font of the article title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
Video section
Fixed an issue that could cause thumbs not displayed in the list. iOS
In the detail view, the font of the video title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
Map section
Fixed an issue that caused KML routes not visible on iOS14 devices. iOS
In the detail view, when the user is clicking on the map preview, a pop up is displayed asking which map service the user wants to open. iOS
In the detail view, the font of the place title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
In the list, fixed an issue that caused a glitch when displaying the Dollar sign. PWA
Photo section
Fixed an issue that caused the detail view being always opened with the first photo of the list. iOS
In the detail view, we no longer force the header to be black with white controls. PWA
Sound section
Fixed an issue that could cause a glitch on the detail view opening animation. iOS
In the detail view, the font of the sound title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
Event section
Fixed an issue that caused events that last all day to not appear on their last day. Android
In the detail view, the font of the event title is not automatically set to bold anymore. Android
Search section
Fixed an issue that caused the loading of more items not working. iOS
Twitter section
Fixed an issue that caused the Follow button to be cut. iOS Android
Form section
Fixed an issue that could cause the keyboard hiding some fields. Android
Menu section
In template 3, fixed an issue that caused an empty space on the right of the screen of iPad devices. iOS
TabBar navigation mode
You can now set transparent as the selected color of your TabBar icons & texts. Android
Little Swipe navigation mode
Fixed an issue that caused separators being displayed even when the color is set to transparent. PWA
Authentication add-on
In the Sign up additional infos screen, fixed an issue that caused the click on CGU checkbox not working. iOS
Couponing add-on
Fixed an issue that caused a wrong background image being displayed. Android
External ad-network add-on
Fixed an issue that caused impossible to close AdMob interstitial with VoiceOver feature. iOS
Other fixes and improvements
You can now automatically open your links in Safari by adding the JSON property openExternal set to 1. iOS Android
Fixed an issue that could cause the status bar being hidden. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused the consent popup not displayed on iOS15 devices. iOS
Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display for the gradients applied on header's title. Android
On iOS devices with PWA installed on the homescreen, fixed an issue that could cause the header being displayed on top of the status bar. PWA
- Fixed an issue that caused a display issue of header shortcuts when the option "displayed as button" is enabled. PWA