GoodBarber for radio stations
Written by Dumè Siacci on

Le Radio show ended yesterday in Paris. These three days have been an opportunity for us to gather lots of ideas to improve GoodBarber, in order to make it the best solution for creating mobile applications for radio stations.
This is also an opportunity to review the features available with GoodBarber for radios. Please note: we'll update this blog post as we go along so don't mind the publication date ;)
This is also an opportunity to review the features available with GoodBarber for radios. Please note: we'll update this blog post as we go along so don't mind the publication date ;)
GoodBarber for radio stations, it's...
Live / Audio:
- A specific section for live audio playback
- Listen to the stream in background
- Use the iPhone's standard controls
- AirPlay audio streaming
Live / Video:
- A section to stream live video
- To display meta information related to your feed
- With a direct link to buy / share what users are listening to

Audio / Podcast:
- A section dedicated to your podcasts
- Download podcast to listen later in off-line mode
- Enriched text in descriptions (HTML enabled)
- Audio playing in background
- Navigation with the iPhone's standard controls
Sound / Soundcloud:
- A section specifically designed for your Soundcloud account
- Rich display of the metadata, with highlight of the cover picture
- Ability to Follow your account from the application
- Audio playing in background
- Navigation with the iPhone's standard controls
Enough to create a complete app for your radio, but, for those of you out there who have coding skills, it's also now possible to build on top of our technology, through a custom connector and even plugins, to develop a section specific to your own needs!
Not to mention all the GoodBarber features used to interact with your users and enhance your content, including:
- Scheduling and targeting push notifications according to geolocation, frequency of use, etc.
- Allowing users to subscribe to specific categories of push notifications via the Push Settings option
- Allowing users to subscribe to specific categories of push notifications via the Push Settings option
- Detailed engagement statistics, sessions duration, and our magic feature: the social stats to get to know your users better
- Displaying upcoming events inside an Events section
Plus, always more and more sections, connectors and Add-Ons to unify your web presence inside a Beautiful App :) So stay tuned for further developments, and, in the meantime, happy app building!
Plus, always more and more sections, connectors and Add-Ons to unify your web presence inside a Beautiful App :) So stay tuned for further developments, and, in the meantime, happy app building!