RSS Feed : Events
Your events accessible outside your app

With RSS feeds, you can distribute your content to the platform of your choice, whenever you want. This feature allows you to generate content feeds for all the M-CMS sections of your app, and then insert them on external distribution platforms. For the Events section of your app, two types of feeds can be generated, one in the traditional rss format, and the other in the widely used ical format. In addition to being available on your app, your agenda created via the GoodBarber back office will also be accessible everywhere on the Web thanks to the corresponding feeds created. You will thus increase the visibility of your events, and manage your multisite publications in the blink of an eye.
The advantages of using RSS feeds for your events
This feature saves you time and facilitates the distribution of your content by distributing your app's agenda on external platforms and sites, such as a blog for example. Your content feed is automatically generated and updated: you just have to choose your distribution platforms and insert the link available in your GoodBarber back office.
Thanks to RSS feeds, you can develop new distribution strategies for your events: integrate them into your own external sites in order to maximize the visibility of the information to your loyal users; or negotiate a presence on other blogs or sites related to your field and thus develop your audience. Discover the main advantages of RSS feeds.
- Simplicity: it takes only one click to generate them, and another to insert them wherever you want.
- Speed: feeds ensure instant publication of your events on all platforms.
- Autonomy: feeds are automatically generated and updated. No maintenance is required.