Write your app Privacy Policy for the Play Store

Google Play requires a privacy policy for your app to be compliant with their most recent guidelines: 

We advise to use GoodBarber template as explained in this online help: Inform about your shop policies
The Privacy policy section is mandatory in your app to comply with Google's rules.

If you already have your own Privacy policy text, compare it with GoodBarber template text and make sure all information related to your app in GoodBarber template (depending on the options / extensions you have set) are reported to your final text, those are mandatory to get your app accepted on Google Play Store.

You need to customize your privacy policy content:
- The app must be named in the text of the privacy policy
- Ensure your privacy policy page is clearly labeled as such in the title 
- Replace all blues content from the template with your own informations
- Provide an email address so your users know how to contact you


Retrieve your privacy policy URL

Your privacy policy must be available on an active URL (no PDFs) and must be non-editable.

1. Your PWA GoodBarber is activated:
From your GoodBarber project:
Copy your Privacy Policy URL from your PWA privacy policy section.

2. Your PWA GoodBarber is NOT activated:

You own a website made outside GoodBarber:
- Create a webpage with your privacy policy content in your website
-​ Ensure your privacy policy page is clearly labeled as such in the URL and within the body of the page.
Copy your Privacy Policy URL from your Privacy Policy webpage 

You don't want to use GoodBarber PWA and have no website:
- Contact our support team


Display your shop Privacy policy in your app

It is mandatory that your Privacy policy is accessible for all your users from your app for your app to comply with Google's rules.
It is best to display your shop's policies on the main pages of the app. 
This is why they will be displayed by default in the Footer of your Home page as well as in the main navigation menu.

Please read this online help  for all details.


Add your Privacy Policy URL to Google Play console

1. Log in to your Google Play account https://play.google.com/apps/publish/
2. Select your app.
3. In the left-hand menu, go to Policy > App Content


4. Under Privacy Policy, click "Start"
5. Paste your URL in the Privacy Policy field.
6. Click "Save"


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