Gradient atom

Atomic Components

The gradient atom is a fundamental element of the background component responsible for creating a gradient.

Gradients example

Gradients example


Here’s the JSON format of this object :



"enabled": BOOL,

"endPoint": {

  "x": FLOAT, // Between 0 & 1,

  "y": FLOAT // Between 0 & 1


"name": STRING,

"startPoint": {

  "x": FLOAT, // Between 0 & 1,

  "y": FLOAT, // Between 0 & 1



This JSON format describes the gradient atom. The gradient atom has several properties, including:

"colors": a list of color objects that define the gradient.
"enabled": a boolean value that indicates whether the gradient is enabled or not.
"endPoint": an object that defines the end point of the gradient. It has two properties, "x" and "y", which are floats between 0 and 1 that represent the horizontal and vertical positions of the end point.
"name": a string that gives the gradient a name.
"startPoint": an object that defines the start point of the gradient. It has two properties, "x" and "y", which are floats between 0 and 1 that represent the horizontal and vertical positions of the start point.