GoodBarber Feature Highlight: Couponing
Written by Marie Pireddu on

Nowadays, mobile presence is essential for businesses. But with so many offers available on the market, it has become difficult for companies to retain their customers. Therefore user engagement is a crucial point in mobile apps and PWA Marketing strategy.
One of GoodBarber main goals is to always provide you with the best product to manage your app and engage your users. Today we will highlight one of these tools : Couponing
With the Couponing Add-On, we offer you a great tool to engage and retain your clients. It also simplify how you manage and analyze your coupons campaigns.

In addition of being able to sort them by validity and expiration date, you can also sort them by Store and Most Used. You can refine your analysis by adding another filter : all coupons, active, inactive, scheduled.
In your app backend, Business > Couponing > My coupons
New Coupon dashboard

The Redeemed Coupons page simplifies the analysis of your campaigns.
You have access to a clear overview of the coupons that were redeemed, by whom and as well as the time and date.

User Interface

Users are able to open the native map application when they're clicking on the coupon address in the detail view.
In coupon detail screen, links contained in the description are now clickable and displayed in a different color
Tips to create a successful Coupon campaign
2.Use limited-time offers. Create a sense of urgency to get customers to act sooner rather than later. Millennials are especially receptive to this type of offer. You can offer limited-time coupons for a new product launch for example or during the holiday season (Cyber Monday ). Research what your competition offer and try to go a step further.
3. Personalize your coupons. Offering special coupons for your client's birthday or for the one year anniversary of their registration to your loyalty card.
4.Capitalize on exclusivity. Make your offer only available for the clients purchasing via your app.
5. Target your existing clients. Reward customer loyalty offering special coupons to your most frequent buyers.