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Currency converter

An easy way to convert prices in your app
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Global accessibility and financial transparency

With built-in currency converter

With a currency converter, you can give your app an international dimension and considerably enhance the user experience. In an eCommerce app, users can easily compare product prices against their reference currency. This feature can also be useful for a news app specializing in the financial sector, for example.

The currency converter, an easy-to-use but very useful tool, will enable your users to find their way around and get a precise idea of the value of products, in their own currency. They'll be more likely to make purchases in your app. Also, users can quickly convert currencies to manage their spending while on the move, facilitating their experiences abroad. In short, this tool is indispensable for giving your app an international dimension, whether it's an eCommerce app, a tourist guide or an app focusing on economics or finance.

  • Improve user experience
  • Boost sales
  • Internationalizing your app
  • Financial transparency
Currency converter
This feature is not yet available in GoodBarber. If you are interested, please register to be notified when it becomes available.
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