How to set up the header of your shop
Hello and welcome to your GoodBarber back office
Today we’re going to set up the header or logo and title of your app
This is the upper part of your app, which is always visible and accessible in every section
The header has 4 objectives
Display your app identity
Give a title to a section
Display shortcuts
Navigate in the app
So, let’s go to the menu Content and Design > Design > General design
Click on Logo and title
Here I can or add the title in text format or add a logo
I’m really looking for something branded so I;m adding a logo
I already had it ready :)
Now I'm selecting the logo alignment : to the right or centered
Easy no?
But you want to do more right? I knew it
You can customize your header even more by activating the menu advanced here
Now i have more options
I can change the color of the font, the separator, add background images
I can also add links to my header
I will add a link to the cart. Click add an action, select the icon and set the color of the shortcut. Perfect
For the PWA, you can choose to the title of the shortcut on desktop and tablets
Then the color of the cart bullet an its done
Last step the other elements of the header:
Meaning the back arrow that will be displayed when your users browse your catalog. Depending on your navigation template, you can have other options. For exemple with the Swipe, you can choose the icon to open the menu
I;m adding the video on the navigation templates in the info bar
Let’s preview
Let me show you the final result
You now know how to customize the header of your Shop
See you very soon for another tutorial
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