Before starting the update of your app on Google Play:
- Verify that it is really necessary to send a new version of your app to Google Play.

Some modifications don't require a new submission and can just be updated from your back office.
Read this online help  to find out.

If a new version of your app needs to be in the store, then a new compilation of your app is necessary.
If so, follow instructions below.


Download the new .aab file

1. Go to the menu Sales channels > Android App > Publish of your GoodBarber back office
2. Build the application
3. Test the ad hoc version  on your Android mobile
4. Click the button "submit my application"

A new page is generated:
5. Download the .aab file of your application onto your computer
6. Click the button "next step"



Create a release

1. Open the Play Console .
2. Select your app.
3. On the left menu, select Release > Production.


4. Near the top right of the page, select "Create new release".


Prepare your app's release

Follow the on-screen instructions on the Play console to prepare your release:
1. Upload your .aab file downloaded previously .


2. Enter release notes:
Let your users know about recent updates you've made in this release of your app.
Release notes shouldn't be used for promotional purposes or to solicit actions from your users.
3. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

You have now created a new draft for your new Android app's release.



Review and roll out your release

Prerequisite: Before you can roll out your release, make sure that:
- You've set up your app's store listing  on the menu Grow > Store Presence > Main store listing
Edit app details and screenshots if needed.

- You've prepared your app for review   on the menu Policy > App content
The full to do list must be completed.

  • Add a Privacy Policy   to your app if you haven't done it yet.
  • Let Google know whether your app is a news app . Make sure this information is accurate, and is kept up to date.
  • Send your Data safety  form if it is not yet done.
- You've set up your app’s prices  on the menu Monetize > Products > App pricing
You can change your app from Paid to Free.
Once your app has been offered for Free, the app can never be changed to Paid. 

Once you're ready to roll out your app:
1. On the left menu, select Release > Production :: Tab release
2. Click "Edit" under the app's release draft you've created.


3. Click "Review release" at the bottom of the page.


4. Click "Start roll-out to production" at the bottom of the page.
5. Confirm in the Popup by clicking "Roll-out"


Your new Android app version has now been submitted to Google Play, for Google to review it before its publication*.

To check your release status, go to the left menu Release > Release overview of the Play Console.
If there is any issue with the publication of your latest release, Google will email you directly.

More details, on Google's documentation here .

*If you're updating your app following an update rejected or app removed from the Play Store, please read on instructions below as one more step is needed to send your new app version to review.


Update of your Android app following an update / app rejected or your app removed by Google

Depending on the your app's update status, it may not be sent for review automatically.
For example, if your app update was rejected and you've subsequently made changes in an attempt to resolve the issue, your changes aren't sent for review automatically.
Your new Android app version is now in Ready to send for review status.

You must go to the Publishing overview page and click Send for review to submit your changes. 


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