When you create your reseller account, you are required to choose one project that will become the leading project of your agency.
This project is called the alpha project.

- The alpha project can NOT be modified after the creation of the agency: please choose it carefully.
Do NOT choose an app you want to publish, or a client's app, to be your alpha projectThe alpha project is not meant to publish apps with it. You can use your alpha project as a test account where to try out ideas before using them in your other projects.

If you have already worked on all your existing apps and want to publish them all, create a new project from www.goodbarber.com/create/  and use it as the alpha project.

- The primary purpose of the alpha project is the billing of your agency.
Your subscription to the reseller agency is attached to the alpha project. 
Paid options or extensions purchased on any other project of your agency are billed on the alpha project. 
Warning: Failure to pay an order linked to your alpha project will result in the immediate deactivation of the reseller agency and all the projects attached to the agency.

- The alpha project is not white label
It is the only project of your reseller agency where you cannot hide GoodBarber's brand in the backend. 

- The iOS publication process is closed for the alpha project. 
Again, do not use an app you want to publish as the alpha project of your agency.

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