How to add a settings section
Hello and welcome to your new GoodBarber tutorial!
Today we ‘ll learn how to set up the Settings section of your app.
This section gives your users access to a number of settings.
They can view a credits page, contact you directly by email, recommend your app on social networks, empty your app's cache, force the settings update and if you have inserted a Calendar or Map section, change the unit of measurement for distances.
To add it I go to My app > Content > Sections menu.
I click on Add a section,
Select Settings.
I name my section and add it.
That’s it, nothing else to do
I can modify the design if I want to as for all sections.
This is also where you can write your credits, or deactivate them.
And all done!
Let me show you what it looks like.
You now know how to add a Settings page to your app!
See you soon for a new tutorial !
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