
1. To publish your iOS app in App Store Connect, you should have already created your Apple Developer Account  and completed the steps to compile your iOS app .
2. Go to App Store Connect > Agreement, Tax and Banking  and make sure to accept all the agreements before you begin the publication of your app. 
3. Note that a Mac will be necessary to complete the submission process of your iOS app, as you will need to download the Transporter app  from the Mac App Store to upload your binary file to App Store Connect. 


Create your new app in App Store Connect

1. In App Store Connect > My Apps , create a new app using the + sign. 
2. Select "iOS" as the platform.
3. Give a name to your app. This is the name your users will see in the App Store.
4. Choose the primary language of your app. 
5. In the dropdown list, select the bundle ID of your app. This is the App ID created when compiling your iOS app. In case of a doubt, this information appears at the top right in the menu Sales channels > iOS app > Certificates  in your back office. 
6. In the "SKU" field, type your App ID. 
7. Select "Full Access". 
8. Click the "Create" button. 


Upload your binary file using Transporter

1. Download the .ipa file from your back office . 
2. Open Transporter  on your Mac and sign in using your Apple Developer credentials.
3. Click the button "Add App" and select the .ipa file. 
4. Click "Deliver". The status should shortly change to "Verifying app" and then "Uploading app". 
5. Wait until the badge turns green and the status indicates "Delivered". 

Apple will process the build for a few minutes before it becomes available in App Store Connect. 
In the meantime, go on with the rest if the settings. 


Version Information

In App Store Connect > My Apps , select your app and fill the mandatory information below: 

1. App Previews and Screenshots:
We recommend to provide at least 3 and up to 10 screenshots for each required format. They must show your app in use.
2. Promotional Text: 
A short text (up to 170 characters) describing the purpose and main features of your app. 
3. Description: 
A longer text (up to 4000 characters) describing the app and its functionalities. 
4. Keywords: 
Keywords will help make App Store search results more accurate. You can separate keywords with English commas, Chinese commas, or a mix of both.
5. Support URL:
A valid URL allowing your users to contact you from the App Store. It can be a contact form from your website for example. If you don't have one, your social media URL can also do, as long as the end users can contact you from there. 
6. Marketing URL:
Typically, your website or social media URL. 


App Review Information

Scroll down to the App Review Information section and in fill the following fields:

1. Sign-in information:
If your app requires signing up / signing in to access all or part of its content (even if it's just one section of your app), create an account for Apple's Review Team  and provide them with the login and password to access the restricted content in your app. 
2. Contact information:
The name, email and phone number (including the country calling code at the beginning) of the person that Apple's Review Team can contact if they need extra information during their review.
3. Notes (optional):
Any information that might be useful to Apple's Review Team during the review of your app. 
4. Attachment (optional):
Any file that might be useful to Apple's Review Team during the review of your app.
For instance, a document proving the ownership of the app or the right to use copyrighted content inside the app. 

​This information won't be visible in the store, but will be useful to help Apple's Review Team with the review of your app.


Version Release

Scroll down to the Version Release section and select your preferred release system once the App Review is over: 

- Manually release this version: 
The app won't be published automatically after Apple's review. You will have to come back to this page and publish it manually. 

- Automatically release this version:
The app will be published automatically, immediately after Apple's review. Note that it may take 24 hours for the app to actually be in the store after Apple's Review Team announces that it's been approved. 

- Automatically release this version after App Review, no earlier than a given date:
The app will be published automatically after Apple's review but only on the time and date you set. This time and date must be set in your local date and time. 

Save your modifications at the top of the page. 


App Information

Go to General > App Information and fill all the required elements carefully, especially the following:

- App Category:
The chosen primary category must reflect the content of your app. The secondary category is optional.

- Content Rights:
Declare whether or not your app is using third-party content.
In case your app is indeed using third-party content, you must be able to bring to Apple the proof that you have the right to use said content. 

- Age Rating: 
1. Declare the frequency of appearance for each content type in your app. 
2. Declare whether your app contains:
Unrestricted web access, such as with an embedded browser (the answer is usually yes for GoodBarber apps, unless your app doesn't have any link to external content)
Instances of gambling.
Answering yes to one of these questions will automatically rate your app 17+.
3. If you answered no to both previous questions, your app may be rated 12+ or lower and you'll see 2 extra options: 
- Declare your app as an app Made for Kids (never check this box for Shopping apps)
- Restrict your app to 17+ anyway, if you think its content may not be suitable for children under 17. 
If none of this applies to your app, leave the boxes unchecked. 

Save your modifications at the top of the page. 


Pricing and Availability

1. Go to the menu General > Pricing and Availability
2. Select a price for your app from the dropdown list - you must do it even to set your app as free.
3. Scroll down to Availability. By default, the app is distributed worldwide.
If this is what you want, ignore this step and don't change the Availability settings.
To restrict the distribution of the app to the App Store of specific countries, click Edit next to "All countries or regions selected", select the desired countries and click "Done".

Save your modifications at the top of the page. 


App Privacy

1. Go to the menu General > App Privacy
2. Click Edit next to "Privacy Policy" and provide the link to access your privacy policy online.
If you don't have a privacy policy, refer to this online help
3. Click the button "Get Started" and fill the form according to the content of your app. For some guidance on how to fill the form, read this online help


Digital Services Act Compliance

The Digital Services Act (DSA) requires Apple to verify and display trader contact information for all traders distributing apps on the App Store in the European Union (EU). Specify if you'll distribute any content in the EU in the capacity of a trader or non-trader.

The DSA considers you a "trader" if you "develop your app in connection with your trade, business, craft, or profession—meaning that you’re acting in a professional/business capacity" which is the case with a shopping app. You can find more details in Apple's documentation .

Information you need to provide as a trader:
The information you need to provide depends on whether you’re enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an individual or organization.

Organizations: The address associated with your D-U-N-S Number will automatically display. You’ll need to enter the following for display on your App Store product pages:
Phone number
Email address

Individuals: You’ll need to enter the following for display on your App Store product pages:
Address or P.O. Box
Phone number
Email address

All traders: You’ll need to provide payment account details if you haven’t already entered them in App Store Connect. You'll also be asked to certify that you only offer products or services that comply with the applicable rules of EU law.

Enter EU Digital Services Act compliance information
1. Login to the App Store Connect and go to the menu Business .
2. On the Agreements tab, scroll down to the Compliance section.
3. Next to Digital Services Act, click Complete Compliance Requirements.


Select your build

1. On the left menu, under "iOS App", click on your current app version (it should state 1.0 with a yellow badge and the current status of your app - "Prepare for submission").
2. Scroll down to the Build section.
You should now see a + sign indicating that the build has been processed by Apple (if not, wait some more and come back later). 

Note: Once the build has been processed and is available in App Store Connect, you also have the option to test your app with Tesflight .

Once you are ready to publish your app, come back to the App Store menu > select your app version > scroll down to the build section and follow the steps below to finish the submission: 

3. Click the + sign or the button, select your build from the list and click "Done".
4. Save your modifications at the top of the page. 

The status of your app should now be "Ready for Review". 


Add for Review

1. Click the "Add for Review" button at the top right.
You should be automatically redirected to a new page in the menu General > App Review.
2. Click the button "Submit to App Review". 


Waiting for the App Review

The status of your app should now be "Waiting for Review".
It will change to "In Review" after the App Review Team actually starts the review of your app.
At every step of the App Review, you will receive an update by email at the address associated to your Apple Developer Account. 
Keep an eye on your emails, as Apple's Review Team may need additional information to be able to complete the review of your app before it is published on the App Store.

Apple's App Review may take a few days and up to a week. 

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