Written on Tuesday 4 June 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1069

Flat design: We give you more possibility about the personnalization of your app! You can now choose in few propositions of the back button in the navBar (arrow, triangle,...)
Written on Monday 3 June 2013

Celebrating 1 000 000 downloads!

Hey guys... We told you last week that we were working on a video in stop motion to celebrate 1 000 000 downloads! Today is the day for you to discover this amazing video, celebrating this special milestone for your beloved product! Yes, apps created with GoodBarber have been downloaded more than one million time. Again we want to thank you all for the beautiful apps you create with GoodBarber. It’s the best reward our team could get at this point. It fuels us to keep adding great features into GoodBarber. THANKS GUYS ;)
Written on Friday 31 May 2013

Friday Talk: LeWeb London

Big news this week for GoodBarber!  First Friday Talk for Méryl! And we tell you what's happening next week at LeWeb London!
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 29 May 2013

Big Ben here we go!

After Italy, we’re going now to London! Big Ben, The royal’s family, Covent Garden, you know that right? Unfortunately we’re not going there for shopping or enjoying English food :) But something more interesting: LeWeb13 London! After LeWeb in Paris last year, when we introduced you the Beta version. We’re going back for more adventures! So if you’re looking forward to seeing us, you know where we will be ;) We will tell you more during our journey! See ya guys!
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 28 May 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1055

In Submit section, it's now possible to disable icons
In Submit section, sizes of cells are now dynamic according to the number of cells
Méryl Fiamma, Friday 24 May 2013

GoodBarber #Students in Italy #2

As you know, part of the team went to Italy for the big students contest ! They just came back and after 3 days, 3 cities, 571 kilometers, 2 universities, 3 presentations, almost 23 hours in the transportations, we’re going to tell you everything! Let’s start at the beginning!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 24 May 2013

Friday Talk: Content filters

Have a look to the new content filters available in your sections: you can now set up permanent searches as subsections.   Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they will tell you everything.
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 22 May 2013

Back in town

Hi there ! My name is Méryl and I just joined the GoodBarber’s team. Graduated from an Advertising and Communication school in Paris named ISCOM, I got a job at Kassius’s agency (WPP group) after my final internship. I was Digital Project Manager in this agency during one year and a half. After this job, I decided to realise my dream and go to the american west coast to learn english, discover California and see the Silicon Valley ;)
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 21 May 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1012

The search engine has been added to Sound/Podcasts sections
It is now possible to select the types of medias to be sent (text, pictures, videos) in the Submit section (Settings API)
Jerome Granados, Monday 20 May 2013

How to highlight and promote your app in Google Play?

During Google I/O 2013, some recent figures were given about Google Play.  48 billion apps installed from Google Play, 900 million Android activation, and soon, 1 million apps in the store. Looking at those huge figures, you may wonder how to make your app stand out from the crowd ? Here are some tips to help you highlight and promote your app in Google Play.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 17 May 2013

Friday Talk: HTML5 WebApp

Have you ever tried the HTML5 version of your app provided by GoodBarber? In the next weeks, you will be able to use it in production to provide mobile version of your website. Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they explain everything in this Friday Talk!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 16 May 2013

GoodBarber #Students tour in Italy

Hey Italian Students! The GoodBarber team comes to meet you next week, to present our great summer internship recruitment program :) We'll host a big contest in Florence on Monday May 20, and we'll meet students of Napoli area on Tuesday May 21 and Wednesday May 22. The whole operation is described on our Students page.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 16 May 2013

Showcase: Presse Citron

We love what the Presse Citron team did with their GoodBarber app :) Look at this showcase and go to download the app, for iPhone and Android!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 10 May 2013

Friday Talk: Notify your users!

One of the best features of GoodBarber is the Push Notification service. Discover with Jerome & Laurent how you can tighten the link with your users.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 6 May 2013

Backend tricks: Customize your preview

If you follow our blog with attention, you probably noticed a new backend feature in the last Tuesday update :) You can now set the default tab for the preview (iOS or Android), and choose the phone's color (black or white). Trust us, it will be such a useful feature when designing your app!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 3 May 2013

Friday Talk: GoodBarber for developers?

We always say that GoodBarber is for non-developers. But did you know that if you have coding skills you can develop your own plugin? GoodBarber has 3 types of APIs: Plugin, Content & Settings. Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they tell you everything about that.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 30 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #921

Starting from this week, we'll publish 3 differents changelogs each Tuesday: iOS, Android & backend.   The backend changelog summarizes the week's changes, that you can already see.   For iOS and Android changelogs, as usual, don't forget to re-build your app to apply the corrections :)
Dumè Siacci, Monday 29 April 2013

Focus on a feature: Search engine

Did you know that since the Beautiful Apps Engine Update #753, you can now add a Search Engine to your app ? It can be very useful for your users, by allowing them to search a specific term within the whole content of your blog.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 26 April 2013

Friday Talk: How to monetize your app

This week, Jerome & Laurent are presenting GoodBarber's monetization features. You'll know everything about ads in GoodBarber: internal ads, external networks and strategy!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 25 April 2013

How to set up correctly the sharing options in your Android app

Many of you have enabled the social sharing options into your apps, and you're right! It's a very good way to encourage your users to spread the word about your app and your content. Since last week, the Android beta is opened on GoodBarber. You probably noted that new options have appeared in your backend: in expert mode, you can now upload a specific icon and a specific splash screen for your Android app. In order to set up properly the sharing options in your app, you need to set up a new parameter in the Facebook and Twitter apps you have already created. Here is a little summary of the modifications you have to apply to your social apps if you have already created them.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 23 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #871

Thanks to all your feedbacks, here is the first Tuesday update of the Android engine. All the team has been working hard on Android this week. Next Tuesday we'll update both engines :)   So here is the changelog for this Tuesday update, for Android only:   - Bookmarks sections are now enabled - Custom sections are now enabled - GoodBarber statistics are now enabled - Bug fix: Images are now displayed correctly in the header - Bug fix: The template 6 in Article sections doesn't crash anymore - Bug fix: The opacity is now correct on all the toolbar buttons - Bug fix: Events dates are now correctly formatted - Bug fix: The first category filter of a section is now automatically selected - Bug fix: The Facebook login is now working correctly   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes :)   You'll also have some work to setup properly your Facebook & Twitter apps now that your app is running on Android. Stay tuned, we'll post the process to follow soon.
Jerome Granados, Friday 19 April 2013

Friday talk: GoodBarber Plugin for WordPress

If you have a WordPress website, install the GoodBarber plugin for WordPress to access very cool features in your native app for iPhone or Android. The plugin can be found here : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/goodbarber/