Dumè Siacci, Monday 30 January 2012

A Problem With Our Servers

Some of you have noticed that something was wrong yesterday, Sunday, January 29th. We experienced a temporary system failure. Last week, we conducted changes to our server architecture in order to replace some of the material. Some of the hard drives that we installed were unfortunately defective and caused a system breakdown. Four new Intel 600 Go SSD (5 year guarantee) were simultaneously lost Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The system can support a loss of two disks at a time. This failure has had little or no effect on existing customers, but it has led to the loss of all subscriptions since our last system backup. As a result, the accounts for subscriptions placed after Friday at 1:55 p.m. have been lost. The same goes for certain changes to existing accounts. In addition to GoodBarber, we host two other products: a CMS and a videosite platform . We guarantee 99.9% availability for both. These two products account for nearly 200 million monthly page views for just over 2,500 clients. These numbers imply a strong and secure system architecture. We run routine security audits, and data loss is not a customary occurrence… We’re aware of the potential impact that an event of this magnitude could have on you. We would greatly appreciate it if you went through the registration process again. We are here to help anytime via customer support.
Written on Friday 20 January 2012

GoodBarber spricht Deutsch!

GoodBarber’s back office is now available in German! Since the release of GoodBarber on November 14th, the Website was already available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. At that time, the back office was available in English, French and Italian.
Written on Sunday 8 January 2012

Swelen is a New Ad Server On Your Monetization Menu

We’ve recently made GoodBarber compatible with a new ad server called Swelen. For those who are less familiar with the terminology, an ad server isn’t an ad network. Ad serving is a technology that stores and distributes advertisements. Different mobile ad networks use ad servers. Swelen allows the distribution of interactive media ads such as video interstitials, or interactive advertisements (holograms, etc.). Swelen also differentiates itself from other ad servers by offering a decentralized, social approach in order to link advertisers, publishers and advertising networks. In terms of innovative solutions, Swelen offers an “in-banner” format for video streaming. The application user does not have to quit the application to view the advertising content. For more information about Swelen, you can visit their website, and read the article that TechCrunch France wrote in 2011 or see them in the CrunchBase.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 3 January 2012

Pace è Salute 2012

For 2012, the entire GoodBarber team would like to wish you peace and good health (pace è salute), as we say here in Corsica. We hope our user community continues to grow and that we can provide everyone 100% customer satisfaction. That’s the reason why we haven’t taken any time off throughout the holiday season. We aren’t rushing, but are working quickly to have a second version of GoodBarber available to you soon that will remove many kinks from the current mobile Internet. In the meantime, Happy New Year to everyone!
Written on Tuesday 20 December 2011

Making Your Life Easier

GoodBarber just celebrated its one-month anniversary since opening to the public! Since Monday, November 14th at 5:00 p.m., many of you have tested GoodBarber from all around the world. We’ve received your feedback and are pleased to hear that you love our product. Your initial remarks have guided us in making improvements to the back office, and we’re aiming for 100% customer satisfaction. Here are a few improvements we’ve already made, which will make life a little bit easier for you.
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 8 December 2011

GoodBarber at LeWeb’11

Since yesterday, Wednesday December 7, five evangelists of the native mobile technology have spread the word at LeWeb’11. Their creed: convincing all those who share their passion on the Web via a blog that they now have the opportunity to revolutionize their users’ experience. GoodBarber believes in the native technology because GoodBarber thinks bottom up: everything starts with the user. This is our paradigm.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 5 December 2011

GoodBarber, The Dream Becomes Reality! #2

Episode 2 – The Origin: 2009-2010 We will talk about GoodBarber’s adolescence in this next part of our 5 episode series regarding the history of GoodBarber. Before the company was even called GoodBarber, it had already affirmed an identity.
Pierre-Jacques Patrizi, Tuesday 22 November 2011

Native Application vs. HTML5

What’s the future for native mobile applications? Will HTML5 replace native applications? Which would you prefer to use when you’ve decided to position yourself on mobiles? It’s been an ongoing debate in the community of developers for a long time. In order to address both sides of the discussion, we intend to answer to the following questions: What distinguishes the two technologies? What are their respective advantages and disadvantages?
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

Press Release – The Launching of GoodBarber

Today, November 14th 2011, GoodBarber has finally opened its doors. Software as a Service, 100% native apps, no programming, DIY, multi-platform capabilities, and a 100% industrialized system.   That’s the backbone of a technology that allows anyone to create his or her own native application. With GoodBarber, create professional quality apps and distribute them in the App Store (Apple), Android Market (Google) or Marketplace (Microsoft).   Attention bloggers, public figures, media, journalists, and news publishers: GoodBarber will amaze your readers. Popular French media, political figures and leading actors on the Web have already started using GoodBarber including: Marianne2, Gizmodo, ParisTech Review, AccessOWeb, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, etc.   You can find the whole press release from November 14, 2011 through this link .
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

Create a Native App in Less Than 5 Minutes!

We’ve designed GoodBarber to be very user-friendly. You’re able to create your own native app in less than 5 minutes. Here’s proof with the iOS application of the TechBaguette blog! When we started thinking about GoodBarber, we wanted to create a powerful app builder  that would allow as much customization of your mobile application as you wish. But we also made sure it would be very simple to use. In fact, it’s so simple that you can create a native app in less than 5 minutes! Thanks to Roxanne Varza, of TechBaguette, who put us to the challenge. There’s proof!
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

GoodBarber, The Dream Becomes Reality! #1

Stage 1: An idea is born The opening of GoodBarber to the public definitively marks the passage from handcraft age to industrial age, in regard to mobile applications. Join us each Monday for a series of 5 episodes that focus on the beginning stages of this content sharing service for mobile devices.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 7 November 2011

Technical Support: Our Team is Here to Help!

We strive to deliver a user friendly experience and make the GoodBarber platform as easy to use as possible. If you follow the key steps to creating your app, creating your app can be as easy as 1, 2, 3. However, should you encounter any technical problems, our Support team is happy to help. Read on to see how you can get in touch with us, directly from the back office of your GoodBarber app.