Muriel Santoni, Friday 27 July 2018

Restrict access to your PWA with a password

You know that Progressive Web Apps are accessible via a URL, indexed by search engines, and can therefore potentially be used by all web users.  This is a huge advantage in terms of visibility and audience acquisition in most cases, however in certain situations, it can actually be a setback.   Maybe you want to take advantage of all the perks of a progressive web app, but for its content to be available only to a private audience, like in the case of enterprise apps? Now it's possible, thanks to a new feature:
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 24 July 2018

GoodBarber 4.5—Managing your app's design

A few weeks ago, we explained how to manage your app's content. As you know, design is our competitive advantage, which is why we didn't skimp when it came to bringing you an all new design menu, where you can manage all aspects of your app's design.  Here are a few design options that you can manage from this new menu detailed below: 
Muriel Santoni, Monday 23 July 2018

Facebook restricts its API access — Calendar and Photo pages now work differently

A few months ago the Cambridge Analytica scandal occurred. This British company, specializing in large scale data analysis and communications consulting, was accused of using 87 million Facebook users' data without their knowledge for political marketing purposes.    Facebook, who ended up in the middle of all the turmoil, made the decision to entirely remodel its policy concerning the protection of its users' data. The goal of this approach was obviously to reinforce security, especially with regards to user data shared with third party applications.  Personal data security has been a major issue in 2018, so Facebook's solutions are not surprising. This will have some impact on your GoodBarber application, if you use a Facebook connector in one of your pages. 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 4 July 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? June 2018

It's time to introduce you to the latest version of one of our advanced add-ons: Live +  For those who aren't familiar with this add-on, it's an audio player that allows you to broadcast an M3U feed and to display metadata associated with the track being played, such as the title, name of the artist, and album cover. 
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 13 June 2018

GoodBarber 4.5 – A new way to manage your content

With GoodBarber 4.5, we bet everything on your productivity. We thought about the best way for you to take advantage of the power of GoodBarber as intuitively as possible.   One of the biggest changes is the separation of the Content and Design menus.   Now, you are managing your content in one dedicated menu. Thus, the structure of your app is immediately shown when you enter the Content menu. The panel allows you to see, at a glance, the organization of your pages. Moreover, to be able to edit your content from the beginning to end on the same screen, a new Content tab has been created at the top of the screen when you select the page you want to work on. When you click on that tab, you go from the page preview to the editor, on a full page. Create, modify, and organize your items from this new space, and preview your changes with one click.     Let’s review the new way to create your content together.
Muriel Santoni, Friday 8 June 2018

New GoodBarber 4.5 Themes: Venice

Summer is almost here and, with the launch of GoodBarber 4.5, it’s time to publish one of the themes you love. Allow me to introduce the theme Venice! You were already familiar with Sunset or Stardust. This time our designer, Marie-Julie, used her amazing talents to once more blow your mind with a magnificent color gradient.   Discover more about this theme in the following infographic, and don’t hesitate to try it in your app! Don’t forget that, thanks to our new editor for personalized themes, you can use it as a base and modify some details to adapt it to your desires.
Mathieu Poli, Thursday 7 June 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? May 2018

You probably guessed that May 2018 was a busy month, mainly because of the release of GoodBarber 4.5, the all-new version of our platform. This version of GoodBarber takes your back office productivity to a new level while delivering more highly performing apps than ever.  Our back offices were optimized so that despite the constant expansion of the range of functionalities, you'll always have a smooth user experience.  Design and content elements have been reorganized, allowing you to be more productive than ever. Here's a summary of what's new: A new custom theme builder A more intuitive way to add content More advanced design options A new space dedicated to defining all the settings of your app
Muriel Santoni, Friday 1 June 2018

GoodBarber 4.5 New Releases: The new version of the Global Style menu

This week was marked by the release of GoodBarber 4.5, the latest version of our app builder, created to bring you to new levels of productivity and unparalleled speed.  One of the important, new aspects of GoodBarber 4.5 concerns a menu that everyone is a fan of: the Global Style Menu. 
Jerome Granados, Tuesday 29 May 2018

GoodBarber 4.5: speed and productivity to create the apps of the future

GoodBarber receives a major update today. GoodBarber 4.5 is the most advanced version we have ever created. It has been designed to make you more productive, and its speed performance has been increased. "Multi-platform" users are a majority in almost every country of the world (source: comScore MMX Multi-Platform, Dec 2017) The challenge to offer a perfect UX, both on mobile and desktop, has never been so important. Your users are expecting to find you everywhere, in the Stores, on the Web, from their smartphone, their tablet and their computer. This multi-channel presence is not a luxury, but a necessity. However, few have the expertise, the human, technical and financial resources to offer their users an  experience that rivals the one proposed by big names on the web. As an App Builder pioneer, GoodBarber has always given you the opportunity to be at the forefront, well before anyone else. In 2011, it was with the creation of native apps, only offered at that time by a small niche of developers; and since 2017, it's with the creation of Progressive Web Apps, a concept that feels like the renewal of the web and the future of apps. 4.5 is a version that consolidates the versatility of GoodBarber to create the apps of the future. Every time, GoodBarber faces a double challenge. Design the tool that creates cross-platform apps and imagine the interface that lets you take advantage of the power of this tool as intuitively as possible.
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 24 May 2018

Get ready for GoodBarber 4.5 and a new level of productivity and performance

In a few days, we'll be introducing version 4.5 of GoodBarber in detail. With this new version of our product, you'll be more productive than ever. As you know, we're in an avant-garde position with regards to Progressive Web Apps, as we were the first app builder to offer the possibility to create them. GoodBarber allows you to make Progressive Web Apps and native apps simultaneously, giving you everything you need to conquer the web and mobile world. With just one third of the time and a twentieth of the cost of classic development required, you have the opportunity to attract new visitors on any device thanks to PWA's, and to retain your users thanks to the strong levels of engagement native apps offer.  GoodBarber version 4.5 takes you to the next level in terms of the back office, by boosting your productivity, as well as apps that are more performant than ever. 
Jerome Granados, Tuesday 22 May 2018

GDPR : Frequently Asked Questions

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European parliament directive to oversee the collection and processing of people's personal data. This directive applies to all entities that interact with people located in the EEA (European Economic Area). 
Mathieu Poli, Thursday 3 May 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? April 2018

As we announced a few days ago, April was marked by big news for Progressive Web App enthusiasts: Service Worker compatibility with iOS!  The compatibility of this script with iOS opens the doors to a number of development possibilities and allows PWAs to live up to all of their promises on Apple devices using Safari. 
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 12 April 2018

iOS opens its doors to Progressive Web Apps

Big news for those who have already made the move to Progressive Web Apps and for those who are still considering it! You're well aware of the potential of Progressive Web Apps, the web applications that offer new functionalities in browsers that bring an experience comparable to that of native apps.  Progressive Web Apps have been on the rise since last year, but their main setback has been the fact that certain key features weren't supported on iOS devices. 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 4 April 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? March 2018

As you know, it's always been our goal to provide you with the best tools possible so you can bring a perfect experience to your users. To keep this promise, we're always making sure that GoodBarber is at the forefront of all new innovations and trends.  The end of 2017 was marked by a new release at Apple, promising their users an even more immersive experience: the iPhone X.   This new release (which is far from already being adopted by the most well-known applications on the market), represents a good opportunity to differentiate yourselves by making apps that are totally adapted to this new format. Our iOS team is happy to now offer you a version of your app that's 100% adapted to the iPhone X. 
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 28 March 2018

New GoodBarber 4.0 Themes: Candy

We're celebrating the arrival of spring here at GoodBarber with a new theme: the Candy theme. Just like in the Nightdrive, Sunset, or Stardust themes, the color gradients are what make it—Marie Julie has chosen to keep them soft and sweet this time.  Check out this theme in real context in...
Mathieu Poli, Monday 12 March 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? February 2018

Here at GoodBarber, the month of February was marked by our annual Mobile World Congress  attendance. Going to this type of event takes several days of preparation, but represents an opportunity to meet loyal clients and new players in the industry, as well as those who have been...
Muriel Santoni, Friday 16 February 2018

Top 5 Web Design Trends of 2018

We've been saying it for months now–the web world is being revolutionized. The arrival of Progressive Web Apps in particular has considerably changed the way we use the web, which undeniably influences the mobile world too.  While being present on the web is vital for your business, it's no longer enough. To set yourself apart and achieve user retention, it is essential to give them the best experience possible, both in terms of use and design. Everyone can agree that in 2018, the user will be at the top of the list of priorities for web designers, which means that new habits will have to be adopted, specifically in terms of experience, navigation, and interaction.  Without further ado, here are the top 5 trends to follow to best represent yourself on the web–on mobile just as much as desktop. 
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 6 February 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? January 2018

At the beginning of this year, we emphasized one aspect that is extremely important to us : the design of your applications. As you know, the backbone of GoodBarber is allowing you to create the most beautiful apps, as easily as possible.  The most recent backend feature came from this...
Stéphanie Guerreiro, Wednesday 31 January 2018

How the Map section made my life in New York easier

Moving to New York when you don't know anything about the city is a good way to be quickly impressed. There are so many things to do, so many restaurants to test, and places to discover. This is where city guide applications come in handy. The best brunch spots, vintage shops, famous hidden app can be a great sidekick for exploring a city.  Through a few solid examples from my own personal experience, this article is a testimony of my usage of the Map section in my day to day life in New York. In just a few points, I'll explain how to correctly set up your Map section by putting it into context, with a few prime New York spots as an added bonus ;)
Written on Sunday 21 January 2018

Promoting your PWA : The Power of the URL

One of the major perks of PWA’s is how easy they make it to acquire visitors. The first reason for this being that PWA’s turn up in search engine results, and the second being that their access gateway is a simple URL that you can easily sneak into endless spots, many of which are so often neglected. With such convenience at one’s disposal, missing out on any of these basic opportunities to promote isn’t an option!
Muriel Santoni, Friday 19 January 2018

Display time slots for your events

Today we're presenting a new option available in the Calendar section.  As usual, we've analyzed the way you use GoodBarber, and for event related apps, we've noticed that a lot of you have projects that involve multiple time slots within the same day. We've therefore decided to offer a new option, which should be much more intuitive for your users. 
Jerome Granados, Thursday 18 January 2018

New Global Style Menu : easy design setup

Global Style is a new feature. It allows you to manage your app's overall design from one single menu. It's a time saver and makes it easier to maintain a homogeneous design throughout all pages of your app. At GoodBarber, design is a sacred thing. We're obsessed with giving you the freedom to customize many settings so you can end up with a unique app. No other App Builder takes it this far as far as design options go, but with offering a multitude of options comes the fact that interfaces can start to get messy, bringing us to our next challenge which was to find a simple way for the app customization process to be carried out.  Global Style is the solution. It is the menu where you can define the overall design of your app from. 
Stéphanie Guerreiro, Monday 15 January 2018

How Progressive Web Apps can help you (re)engage your users

With over half of all worldwide internet traffic coming from mobile devices, there’s no doubt about the fact that mobile is king.  However, user behavior seems to be going more towards being fed up with installing applications. Despite the general craze over native applications’ UX, only about a third of smartphone owners download apps each month.  Progressive Web Apps are here to tackle this paradox by solving the application-download burnout issue. The proof is in the 4 points to come. 
Jerome Granados, Thursday 11 January 2018

App Store 4.2.6 rule and app builders

In June, 2017, Apple introduced the 4.2.6 rule into the App Store guidelines. This rule address those using app builders such as GoodBarber.   This new rule was followed by a lot of questions and lack of understanding, from users of app builders as well as app builders themselves. On December 20, 2017, Apple updated the wording of the 4.2.6 rule to provide some clarification.