Dumè Siacci, Monday 26 August 2013

How to promote your app on your website?

Few weeks ago, Jérôme wrote a post giving you some advices to grow your app's user base. Of course, you have to get your app known on social networks and everywhere possible. But often, our customers forget to focus on the best place to promote their app: their own website! Readers coming to your website have to know that your app exists on the stores.
Written on Friday 23 August 2013

Friday Talk: Ad Networks

Hello GoodBarbers, Today Méryl introduces you: Jeff, our web developer.  He's going to give you some information about ad networks.
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 21 August 2013

Flat design meets GoodBarber

Flat design is The new way to create in the graphic world ;) In this article we're going to give you some informations about this new trend. You have probably already heard about it... Apple and iOS7, or Microsoft with Windows 8?    Yes?    You got it!
Dominique Siacci, Tuesday 20 August 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1268

New: It is now possible to download audio podcasts (Bêta).
Added : New animations for app navigation.
Méryl Fiamma, Monday 19 August 2013

Choose your push notification sounds

Hello GoodBarbers! We already spoke about the push, but did you know that we have more than 10 notification sounds for this option?
Written on Friday 16 August 2013

Friday Talk: Custom Section

Hello GoodBarbers, Today Méryl and Jérôme talk about the custom section. You're using this section when you want to display content that it isn't in the source of GoodBarber.   
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 14 August 2013

[Tech] Custom log lines (aliasing NSLog) #iOS #Objective-C

Any developer knows the importance of logging while debugging. The more you log, the faster and easier it will be to find anomalies in the source code. It allows for instance to look at the data received from the network, in our case, the responses of the requests sent to our architecture.   Anyway, two problems can appear around this problematic : - These logs, essentials in DEV, slow the app in PROD, and significantly degrade the user experience - The proliferation of logs makes the console unreadable very quickly, which requires rigor in writing their labels   To solve these problems we have chosen to implement a logging system tailored to our needs. The idea is obviously not to reinvent the wheel - the standard system proposed by the iOS SDK is very effective - but to provide a simple to use tool, that ensures readability and performance.
Written on Friday 9 August 2013

Friday Talk: Store identification

Hey guys, Today we're going to talk about the identification of the users in the stores. With GoodBarber the developer is you! Apps are published under your developer account. Jérôme and Méryl explain why it's important and what are the good points. Have a good week-end folks!
Lesia PIETRI, Wednesday 7 August 2013

New Theme : Asian Touch

Asian Touch is one of the 50+ themes available in your GoodBarber backend. Use it as a starting point to create your Beautiful App .   
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 6 August 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1249

Redesign of the feature of Audio podcasts download
Bug fix: Back buttons of new navigation modes are now correct
Dumè Siacci, Monday 5 August 2013

How to activate the native YouTube player in your Android app

In last week update, we published a brand new feature allowing your users to watch YouTube videos directly from your Android app (either in articles and video sections). It uses the native YouTube player for a better user experience. If you've already re-built your app since the update #1238, you just need to follow these steps to activate the new player. If not, follow this quick process, re-build your Android app from your GoodBarber backend, and publish an update on the store!
Written on Friday 2 August 2013

Friday Talk: The support

Hello GoodBarbers, Today we're going to talk about who's behind the support? You're going to know better the people who answer to all your questions and discover what is the podium as well! Enjoy this video before the week-end! See ya!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 1 August 2013

Showcase: Chelsea News

Mourinho's boys won't have any secret for you anymore with this Chelsea soccer app :) Daniel created this perfect Blue (of course) app using GoodBarber.    Have a look to this showcase and go to download this beautiful app!
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 31 July 2013

GoodBarber is now available in Italian!

Ciao guys! We're happy to tell you that our website is now available in Italian ! Arianna did this big job for us, we've already introduced her here ;) Many thanks to her for this job, we hope our Italian users will enjoy it! Have a good day everyone!  
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 30 July 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1238

Sound in background management in Custom section Improving CSS in detail page of Article section Here is the changelog for this Tuesday update.
Lesia PIETRI, Monday 29 July 2013

New Theme : Space

Space is one of the 50+ themes available in your GoodBarber backend. Use it as a starting point to create your Beautiful App.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 25 July 2013

Showcase: Farmacie Sant'Anna

Rosario and his team have done a wonderful job creating their app with GoodBarber for their pharmacies. This is a very effective promotional tool for their local businesses. And it's also our first Italian showcase ;)
Written on Wednesday 24 July 2013

10 tips to make your App Icon stand out!

If you don’t want to see your app drown in the mundane, check this out! In a world where app downloads are on the rise, you have to be different from other applications out there...  and it starts with the design of your app icon! Let me give you 10 tips to improve the design of you app icon and make it stand out! We all say that it’s not fair to judge a movie, a book or a packaging by its cover/design. But even if we say that, it's what we do. If we don’t like a cover or if it’s less attractive than another one we can just leave it! There are so many choices that we'll stop at the most interesting. The cover of a movie, for instance, is very important. It’s the first connection with the public and it has to convey the atmosphere of the movie with pictures, illustrations, fonts. Everything needs to be chosen perfectly and correctly. For an application, it’s almost the same. With the app icon, you have to make the users choose yours.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 23 July 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1208

Facebook section: "Like" button is now translated in different languages
Submission section : When a user takes a photo, it's now saved in camera roll
Written on Friday 19 July 2013

Friday Talk: 5 questions to our CEO D.Siacci

Today it's a special Friday Talk because we interviewed our CEO : Dominique Siacci.  Are you curious to know who is behind GoodBarber? Yes you are! I know it! Discover who created GoodBarber,  what kind of applications he likes (other than GoodBarber News of course ;) ) and more about him! Follow Dumè on Twitter : @dsiacci  and Pinterest  
Dumè Siacci, Friday 19 July 2013

Showcase: L'ActuTechno.com

Grégoire has done a great job customizing our brand new design template One Flat. Look at the app of his website, L'ActuTechno.com :)
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 17 July 2013

Find us on YouTube!

GoodBarber's channel is now available on YouTube ;)  You can come and check all the videos here : GoodBarberTv Enjoy!