Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 14 November 2023

Memberships x Push Notifications: Optimize user engagement

We are delighted to present a feature that will revolutionize the way you interact with your users: push notifications associated with memberships. With GoodBarber, you already have the ability to offer memberships, in the form of subscriptions, to monetize your app's content. Now, we are taking it a step further by allowing you to target your users more precisely and effectively than ever before.
Mathieu Poli, Friday 3 November 2023

Advanced customization of GoodBarber apps

GoodBarber App Builder: advanced controls and customization. Get a look behind the scenes and find out how to enable some hidden features and controls.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 1 November 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? October 2023

This month, we are introducing a new feature that will elevate the experience of your new users to the next level! The step-by-step procedure. This is an essential strategy to integrate into your app. Integrated from the very first launch of your app, this guide warmly welcomes your new users and gently leads them through the various features of your application. Thanks to clear and visual instructions, users quickly discover the specifics of your interface and possible interactions, thereby reducing any friction or hesitation. Don't wait any longer to test this new feature and captivate your users from the very first seconds!   Below you'll find a summary of developments and updates carried out during the month of October 2023:  
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 27 October 2023

How to promote an app?

Discover all the ways to promote your app and make it a success. After all, if creating your app with a no-code app builder is great, making your app a success is even better!
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 24 October 2023

Design update: a new template for the details of your Map sections

It's with great excitement that we present to you today our brand new detail view template for the Map section: the ToolBar Up Classic Template. Modern, elegant and intuitive, it redefines the way you can present location details in your application. The ToolBar Up Classic Template stands out for its contemporary design and clever animation. As soon as you view the details of a location, you'll see the action buttons positioned at the top of the page, just below the title. However, what really makes this template special is the subtle animation that occurs when you scroll down the page. As you scroll down, the action buttons move to the bottom of the screen so that they remain within easy reach at all times.
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 19 October 2023

Design update: a new template for displaying your event lists

At GoodBarber, we're constantly listening to your needs and striving to offer you the best solutions for creating exceptional applications. That's why we're delighted to introduce our latest addition: the Classic template for event listings. Until now, there was only one template for displaying your events. Now you'll have the choice with this brand new template, which offers a modern and elegant way of displaying upcoming events.
Elena Debonis, Tuesday 10 October 2023

The perfect loyalty program for your content app

Loyalty points, memberships, benefits, and exclusive discounts: if you also run a business or frequently purchase from stores (especially franchises), you've probably heard of a loyalty program a thousand times.
Elena Debonis, Friday 6 October 2023

GoodBarber apps for eLearning

As we continue to witness rapid technological advancements, education is undergoing a significant transformation from traditional methods. Integrating digital tools into learning has given rise to a more flexible, accessible, and personalized approach to acquiring knowledge. Among these tools, educational apps have emerged as a revolutionary means of learning, offering students, teachers, and learners of all ages an innovative platform to expand their horizons. In this article, we delve into the importance of learning using apps and how they shape the future of education.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 4 October 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? September 2023

This month we're introducing a whole host of new features for the design of your app: a new template for the Map and Calendar sections, a new template for presenting your categories... and, above all, the possibility of adding your own fonts to your back office ! Fonts play a crucial role in creating the visual identity of your application. They help define the mood and style of your app. With this new feature, you now have the power to express your creativity without limits. Below you'll find a summary of developments and updates carried out during the month of September 2023:
Elena Debonis, Monday 25 September 2023

GoodBarber Apps for Specialized Magazines

Take a look at some of the specialized magazines created using GoodBarber App Builder, and get inspired to create a new magazine mobile app!
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 21 September 2023

Customize your apps with unique fonts!

We are excited to introduce a brand new feature that will revolutionize how you design your apps: the ability to add your own fonts directly from the GoodBarber back office. Fonts play a crucial role in creating the visual identity of your application. They help define the mood and style of your app. With this new feature, you now have the power to express your creativity without limits.
Elena Debonis, Monday 18 September 2023

All you need to know about the GoodBarber CMS

Using GoodBarber App builder CMS is simple and intuitive: let's dig into your CMS (Content Management System) to better explain how it works.
Mathieu Poli, Friday 8 September 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? August 2023

If you're using the Map section of your GoodBarber app and want to showcase your places on your app's Home, you're in for a treat! Today, we're introducing a brand new widget template for your Map section: the Visual template. Particularly suitable for those who want to give a highly visual impact to the places featured in their app, this new template allows you to display multiple images for a place through an integrated slideshow. It also offers actions that greatly enhance the user experience.   Below you'll find a summary of developments and updates carried out during the month of August 2023:  
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 6 September 2023

Design Update: A new widget template to display your places.

If you're using the Map section of your GoodBarber app and want to showcase your places on your app's Home, you're in for a treat! Today, we're introducing a brand new widget template for your Map section: the Visual template.
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Tuesday 29 August 2023

Resellers: How to sell an app to schools

The reseller program allows you to create unlimited apps to be published on three different platforms: the web with a Progressive Web App, the Google Play Store with a native Android app and the App Store with a native iOS app. With more than 500 features and 140 extensions, GoodBarber allows you to target a wide range of customers, with content management apps and eCommerce apps. Today, we're going to look at how to sell an app for a school.
Elena Debonis, Friday 18 August 2023

GoodBarber apps for culinary inspiration and food lovers

In today's fast-paced digital age, mobile apps have revolutionized how we approach culinary inspiration and cater to worldwide food enthusiasts. Food lovers now have the power to share their passion for gastronomy, whether through creating content-rich apps to share recipes and blogs or through establishing innovative shopping apps to sell food or kitchen products and offer delivery options. The versatility of mobile app development has opened doors for every food lover to showcase their creativity and engage with a global audience. In this article, we explore how anyone can unleash their culinary prowess and introduce you to some exciting applications created using the GoodBarber App Builder.
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 2 August 2023

GoodBarber + Zapier: automatically add a user to a group

It's official: GoodBarber integrations with Zapier have reached a milestone. More and more of you are building workflows between your GoodBarber app and other Zapier-compatible services. GoodBarber integrations with Zapier are no longer marked "beta", and that's something to celebrate! As a reminder, we have developed 2 integrations with Zapier: - GoodBarber: this integration offers actions and triggers for content apps - GoodBarber eCommerce : this integration offers actions and triggers for eCommerce apps. In this article, I'll give an example of how to use the integration for content apps. I refer you to this article by Marie, which explains how Zapier works in general, and this one, which contains an example for eCommerce apps. Let's take the case of an app that uses the authentication and user group extensions. I've created 2 groups in this app. My aim is to automatically assign each new user who registers to one of the 2 groups.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 2 August 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? July 2023

This month we're delighted to offer you a much-requested little surprise: the ability to anticipate the depublication of your content items. Previously, you had the option of scheduling the date of publication. With this new option, you can now select a date on which this content will no longer be accessible. This function applies to all content within your back office, including: articles, podcasts, videos and maps. As an added bonus, each time you connect to your back office, a popup now informs you of any new developments since your last visit! Below you'll find a summary of developments and updates carried out during the month of July 2023:
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 28 July 2023

Resellers: how to set your prices to ensure healthy margins?

The Reseller program lets you create an unlimited number of mobile apps. Each of the reseller agency's apps can be published both on the web, with a Progressive Web App, and on the Android and Apple Stores, with native applications. With the GoodBarber Reseller program, you can sell your mobile services by making it easy to create and publish applications for your customers. Our platform offers more than 500 features to meet every demand. We also focus on the design of your apps, providing ready-to-use, customizable templates. With our solution, you save time by delivering professional apps with impeccable design to your customers, while reducing your costs. In addition, with our "GoodBarber takes care " offer, our team can take care of app publishing for you. Previously, we published an article entitled "What should you charge for your mobile services?", outlining the strategy for setting your prices for customers. In this new article, we'll be focusing on cost analysis and the margins you need to apply to make your mark in the app market, while still making a comfortable profit.  
Marie Pireddu, Monday 24 July 2023

New design options for your eCommerce app

If you are familiar with GoodBarber's content apps platform, you may have already used their Element Style menu.  Good news for our eCommerce apps users, you can now also manage the margins and the shapes of your application globally from the Elements Style menu.  
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 21 July 2023

Resellers: How to sell an app for an event

The reseller program allows you to create unlimited apps to be published on three different platforms: the web with a Progressive Web App, the Google Play Store with a native Android app and the App Store with a native iOS app. With more than 500 features and 140 extensions, GoodBarber allows you to target a wide range of customers, with content management apps and eCommerce apps. Today, we're going to look at how to sell an app for an event. For a trade show, concert, or any other event, a mobile app is a great way to make your customer's event a success!