Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 5 July 2023

Increase your visibility with the RSS Feed Maps extension

After the RSS Feed extensions for Articles and Videos, we just released the RSS feed Map. This feature allows a simple and optimal distribution of your content, by making your app's map appear on external platforms. Your content feed is automatically generated and updated: you just have to choose the platform on which you want to broadcast it and integrate the link available in your GoodBarber back office. Thanks to RSS feeds, you will be able to develop new distribution strategies for the key locations of your app. Add your map to your own external sites to increase your visibility to existing users; or negotiate a presence on blogs, or sites related to your field, to conquer a new audience.   
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 5 July 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? June 2023

This month we present a series of extensions that will help you get your content out to the widest possible audience. It's essential to distribute your content effectively to reach a wider audience and maximize the impact of your message. That's why we've designed a number of extensions that let you generate RSS feeds to distribute your content beyond your app or website, expanding your audience and managing multisite publications effortlessly. Below is a summary of the developments and updates carried out during the month of June 2023:
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Thursday 29 June 2023

Resellers: How to sell a tourism app

The reseller program allows you to create unlimited apps to be published on three different platforms: the web with a Progressive Web App, the Google Play Store with a native Android app and the App Store with a native iOS app. With more than 500 features and 140 extensions, GoodBarber allows you to target a wide range of customers, with content management apps and eCommerce apps. Today, we're going to take a look at how to sell a tourism app. Gone are the days of paper tourist guides! To ensure that visitors have the holiday of their dreams, you need an app.
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 27 June 2023

Your app. One single payment. Nothing else.

Paying for your app in one go, without any additional subscription, is now possible with the One-time offer. We'll first let our CEO Sebastien Simoni explain the idea behind this brand-new offer :
Jerome Granados, Monday 26 June 2023

Moving to a new datacenter

Since March, our systems engineers have been 100% mobilized on a data center relocation project. Our entire technical architecture is leaving OVH to move to a new data center. Everything has been done to ensure that this migration has the minimum impact on the uptime of your sites, your apps, your emails, and all the other services you use at GoodBarber / WMaker. The operation is almost complete. Here are a few explanations and, at the end of this article, a check to be carried out on your domain name configuration.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 23 June 2023

Grow your audience with our RSS feed - Video extension

As we saw in our previous post about the new RSS feed Articles extension, RSS feeds are a valuable tool for content distribution, allowing you to reach a wider audience beyond your app or website. By generating content feeds for different sections of your app using tools like GoodBarber's M-CMS, you can effortlessly distribute your articles on external platforms of your choice. This not only broadens your audience but also simplifies the management of multisite publications. So, to go hand in hand with the RSS feed Articles, we just released the RSS feed Video.
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 22 June 2023

Distribute your blog posts outside your GoodBarber app with our RSS feed Articles extension

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, distributing content effectively is crucial for reaching a wider audience and maximizing the impact of your message. One powerful tool that empowers content creators and publishers is RSS feeds. By utilizing RSS feeds, you can easily distribute your content beyond your app or website, broadening your audience and managing multisite publications effortlessly. We'll see below the advantages of using RSS feeds for content distribution and how they can optimize your publication strategies.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 21 June 2023

GoodBarber Apps for Yoga and Wellness

The increasing demand for healthy lifestyle digital mentors caused by the covid-19 pandemic is one of the main drivers that boost health & wellness market growth. This goes hand in hand with health issues caused by hectic lifestyles, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other stress-related disorders
Marie Pireddu, Monday 12 June 2023

Design update: a new podcast template

Attention, podcasters! We're thrilled to unveil an exciting update for the way you present your podcasts. This brand-new template is designed to take your podcasting experience to new heights. Gone are the days of settling for a single template – now, you have now more flexibility to create a visually stunning and immersive podcast platform that reflects your unique style and captivates your audience. In response to the growing demand for diverse and eye-catching designs, our designers have meticulously crafted this template. We understand that podcasting is not just about delivering exceptional content, but also about creating an engaging experience for your listeners. With our new design template, you can now create a podcast section that not only showcases your audio content but also leaves a lasting visual impression.  
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 7 June 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? May 2023

This month, we've focused on improving your experience as an app creator, including a new code editor that will make your work much easier when writing code. This new feature will provide a more comfortable and efficient working environment for all your development tasks. You'll find this new editor in the plug-ins sections and all the other panels offering the possibility of inserting your own code. Below is a summary of the developments and updates carried out during the month of May 2023:
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 30 May 2023

Design update: a new template for all your content lists

Following the release of the Tags template, we wanted to bring you another option for the transversal element of the multi-categories. Like the Tags, this template can be displayed in all list templates of all content types. This Labels template will greatly contribute to upgrading the visual of your app, giving a modern and trendy vibe. Perfect for news apps, radio & podcasts, tourism guides, etc...
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 26 May 2023

GoodBarber: become a reseller of mobile apps!

If you think about starting your own mobile apps development agency, you're at the right place. The GoodBarber reseller program brings all the flexibility to make your projects grow, maintaining a good quality price rapport, with a fixed pricing to create unlimited apps. Our app builder is an efficient tool used by more and more agencies to create and sell apps for their customers. The main goal is to sell your mobile services using our platform. In other words, the idea is not to resell the actual app builder platform itself, but to resell apps that you make. The process usually goes something like this : clients will communicate their mobile needs to the reseller, the reseller works their magic in the backend, invites the client to review their work, and the deal is sealed. When the client logs into the backend, the GoodBarber logos and references are eliminated and replaced by those of your agency, so coherence in branding can be maintained. Only your brand will be highlighted when the customer connects to the back office of his app. The white label option is included in the Reseller program. In addition, we have resources available to help you sell apps and improve your knowledge of the GoodBarber platform. All of the available resources are listed here. In particular, we've created white label documents with a clean design and arguments that will help you sell apps. These documents are available as a word file and slides. You can download them and use them as you wish! This video gives you an overview of the reseller dashboard and the possibilities offered by the white label option, included in the reseller subscription:
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 25 May 2023

GoodBarber Apps for Fashion lovers

In today's digital era, fashion has become more than just a means of dressing—it has become a form of self-expression and creativity. Whether you're a fashion designer, a fashion enthusiast, or the owner of a fashion boutique, a mobile app is the perfect companion to your brand. Check out the beautiful apps created by our clients, bringing the latest trends and fashion recommendations right to your fingertips.  
Marie Pireddu, Monday 22 May 2023

Now available for iPad: Manage your orders from your smartphone with My GoodBarber Shop Companion App

Update! Your GoodBarber Shop Companion app is also now available on iPad. Whether you're an existing user of our GoodBarber mobile app or a newcomer, this new addition brings you an even more convenient way to manage your orders. Why settle for a smaller screen when you can now enjoy an optimized experience on your iPad? The GoodBarber Shop Companion App for iPad is available for download on the Apple App Store. You asked for it and we listened!  While our Shopping Apps are designed to offer you the best admin interface possible for you to manage your shop, we understand that when it's time to manage all your orders, especially if you're working in a fast environment like a restaurant, you don't want to go to your back office to get it done.  This is why we created My GoodBarber Shop Companion. A brand new app that allows you to manage all orders directly from your smartphone. No need to connect to your back office. Your management tool is in your pocket!.    
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 4 May 2023

GoodBarber eCommerce app: reward your customers and increase sales with a loyalty program

Building loyalty takes time, but one thing is certain: people are more loyal to stores that reward them. What could be better than getting compensated for a product you would buy anyway? A loyalty program is one of the easiest customer retention tools you could implement. It is a marketing tactic to get and keep customers returning to your store by providing them discounts. And there are also benefits for you! We're happy to announce the release of the Loyalty Program Extension for GoodBarber eCommerce apps.  Read on to learn the benefits of offering a Loyalty Program and how to set this new feature in your app. 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 3 May 2023

What's new at GoodBarber? April 2023

This month we are pleased to release a new feature that will delight eCommerce app owners: the loyalty program. You can increase your sales and revenues by offering your customers to reward them for their loyalty. From your back office, you can set the loyalty card you will offer to your customers and the reward they will get.  You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of April 2023:
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 2 May 2023

A new way to manage the icons of your apps

We recently released new Material icons to update the design of your app. To take this design update even further, you can now customize certain icons directly from the editing panel of your app without having to use the advanced edition extension. All can be done from a single panel. You are now able to modify in one go all the icons of your app.  Note: this feature is available on Content Apps only.
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 28 April 2023

Mobile app reseller: which offer to choose?

The reseller program allows you to create an unlimited number of apps with GoodBarber. The management of the apps is facilitated by access to the reseller dashboard, which allows you to visualize all the projects of the reseller agency as well as the publication status on the different platforms. Indeed, with GoodBarber's reseller program, each app created within your agency can be published on 3 different publishing platforms: the web, with a Progressive Web App, the Google Play Store with a native Android app and the App Store, with a native iOS app. This gives you all the latitude you need to convince your customers by offering them an app available on the most known and most frequented platforms by users today.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 26 April 2023

GoodBarber eCommerce app: a new feature for the In Store Pickup extension

Exciting news for all our eCommerce clients! We're thrilled to announce the addition of new options to our already convenient In-Store pickup extension. You can benefit from these new options, while your customers can now enjoy an even more seamless shopping experience.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 19 April 2023

Should I invest in a PWA in 2023 ?

Since conventional websites are still struggling to keep up with the changing industry, and native mobile application development is still considered an additional business cost by many, there exists a solution that provides all necessary features without requiring much development cost and time — Progressive Web App.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 14 April 2023

iOS 16.4 and Web Push Notifications

Since the very first iPhone, users have had the ability to create shortcuts to progressive web apps on their homescreens that resemble app icons. Progressive Web Apps, also known as PWAs, offer a unique way to access websites and their services without having to install a dedicated app. This means they don't take up a ton of storage space on your phone, making it easy to quickly visit your favorite sites that don't have an app. However, even though iOS has allowed users to make and use web apps for a while now, they're not perfect. indeed, until now, web apps were unable to receive notifications or display notification badges. This limitation is now over with the release of iOS and iPadOS 16.4.
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 13 April 2023

Apps for Beginners - our Ultimate Guide to make Beautiful Apps

With our experience working alongside clients to help make their app a success we’ve gathered, over the course of the past few years, some valuable insight about what goes into creating an app, and not just from the technical point of view. Because, although app building is at the core of our product, we’ve always believed that the value of an app goes well beyond its creation and even into what comes before.