Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 10 November 2015

Promote your events with our new Events Templates

Hello GoodBarbers! Updates are pouring in these days. Have you started customizing the icons in your App  yet? Well, here's another update to play around with the design of your app. The importance of the Calendar section can’t be denied. Many of you are making use of it in your Beautiful App to promote your events. We already improved it this Summer with the possibility to add content into the section, directly from the back office of your app, without requiring an external source.  We are now taking things further and allowing you to properly shed light on your events with 3 new templates to display your events details :) Let’s take a closer look at them…
Written on Tuesday 3 November 2015

Tom's Hardware Italia, an App for tech enthusiasts

​Hello GoodBarbers, Today I’m very happy to introduce to all of you a Beautiful App coming straight from Italy: Tom’s Hardware Italia. A mobile application every ‘technology addict’ should have in their smartphone. Check out our interview below with Bruno Gulotta, Sales & Marketing Manager of Tom’s Hardware Italy, who explained to us how the project came to be.
Written on Thursday 29 October 2015

Virtual Reality's Many Applications

Virtual Reality rhymes with enormous possibility. Something Facebook sensed when it acquired Oculus Rift for $2 billion a little over a year ago. But what now? What can we expect out of Virtual Reality aside from the gaming community’s expectations. According to the MIT Technology Review: "The dominant way most consumers will experience Virtual Reality will be on mobile devices". A projection which encouraged us to have a look at the future of VR. Are you coming with us?
Written on Tuesday 27 October 2015

Fesch Museum in Ajaccio, an app by GoodBarber

If you are familiar with GoodBarber you probably know by now how attached we are to our Corsican heritage. It is therefore with great honor that we introduce today the showcase of the Fesch Museum App. A cultural symbol of our city which has now gone mobile thanks to a great collaboration, the details of which Alexandre Vican, in charge of Digital Development for CAPA, was willing to share with you.
Written on Monday 26 October 2015

Content : the power of story

Remember our tutorial about content creation ? Today we are going to share with you a secret ingredient which you can add to the recipe for creating great content: the power of story. It is actually advice which can also prove useful for your business in general. Let us show you how.
Muriel Santoni, Monday 19 October 2015

#Hashtag: How To Use Them Best

Hashtags are more a thing than ever. First used on Twitter, they are now getting big on Instagram, but also Facebook and Google +. But, do you really know how to use them for your business? More than a mere character, the hashtag, if used correctly can significantly improve the way you communicate with your audience.   How? Let GoodBarber show you the way ;)  
Written on Thursday 15 October 2015

Why School Apps are here to stay?

Mobile devices are everywhere, even at school! But they can’t possibly be reduced to their disruptive effect on students’ attention. They can actually prove quite useful, or to be more precise, School Apps can. Not only by engaging students, but also parents, teachers, and so on. So, here’s our overview of why we think School Apps are here to stay.
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 13 October 2015

Shake up your business with our iBeacons Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers,  We are on a roll! Here comes a new update! After the Scheduled Push Add-On and Geofencing, it is now time to talk about the Add-On which will send your business into a new dimension: the iBeacons Add-On! This Add-On has a huge potential, and I am certain that it will spark a lot of amazing ideas to make the most of your Beautiful App ;) Let’s take a closer look…
Isabella Leland, Monday 12 October 2015

How to get your App reviewed (Infographic)

Once you’ve published your App on the stores and it is live, it’s time to start promoting it. There are many ways you can get the word out about your app, but today, we will focus especially on getting it reviewed. A very cost efficient manner to get publicity and, hopefully, praise. But, beware, just because it is free, doesn’t mean there aren’t a few ground rules to comply with. And really, we can’t stress enough how important it is to get a review request right. The first impression you give must be perfect, because it is likely your interlocutor will have a limited attention span. After all, you are not the only one approaching him. As a result, you are left with a very narrow window to draw his valuable attention, so make the most of it. Here’s how to best tackle PR , with the help of our Infographic!
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 8 October 2015

Blending the digital and physical with our Geofencing Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers !  Today is a big day for GoodBarber because I’m about to present you with the result of months of hard work… I’m talking about a new Add-On which you can now find in our store. Yesterday, we introduced the Scheduled Push Add-On , which was the first of a series of updates. And it is now the turn of the Geofencing Add-On to be in the spotlight!
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 7 October 2015

Tailored communication with the Scheduled Push

Push notifications are undoubtedly a must have for effective communication with the users of your app. A while ago, we already provided you with the possibility to send automatic push notifications , notifying your users of the publication of new content in a given section. You’re now familiar with the fact that, at GoodBarber, we like to always give you more possibilities and make your life as easy as can be… We’ve therefore decided to put some hard work into a new version of that feature. Let me introduce to you our brand new Scheduled Push Add-On!
Muriel Santoni, Monday 5 October 2015

How to manage negative comments on social media?

They just happen and you’re bound to have to deal with them at some point if you are active on social media: negative comments. It just comes with the territory, the moment you communicate on public platforms, you expose yourself to praise, just as much as criticism, justified or not. When it comes to coping with it, finding the right attitude isn’t easy. Here’s a few guidelines in order to learn to deal with negative comments on social media.
Isabella Leland, Friday 2 October 2015

5 sleek Google Fonts for your Beautiful App

We’ve mentioned before the importance of building a great splash screen  or how your App icon matters. And if you don’t want too much text on one or the other, choosing a great font is still essential when putting your brand out there.  Think of the font you choose as your brand’s voice. You will want something that will make you both stand out and be classic enough so that it won’t seem outdated as trends come and go. 
Written on Thursday 1 October 2015

The Rise of Health and Fitness Apps

Fitness trackers, pedometers, fitness challenges, « fitspo », the connected world, on the go, on your desktop and on your mobile, is all about health and fitness these days, for better and for worse. Even if the trend isn’t something you’re naturally into, you’re bound to have colleagues, friends or family that have jumped on the bandwagon. Fitness fanatics aren’t the core audience anymore. Health and Fitness apps are now in the top 10 most popular apps in the App Store, before « Food and Drink » or « Photo and Video » (courtesy of Statista)! In fact, the health and fitness mobile app market was already « worth about $4 billion » a little under a year ago, according to a mobile Health Economics report quoted by Digital Trends. It thus definitely seems like a market to have under your radar if you are looking for inspiring ideas to create Beautiful Apps.  Here’s our overview of the Health and Fitness Apps Craze, for the better, of course!
Michele Pisani, Wednesday 30 September 2015

#TodiAppyDays2015, we were there!

Hello GoodBarbers ,   We just came back from Todi Appy Days and couldn’t wait to share with you this wonderful experience. The main international event dedicated to the world of mobile applications, for its second year, was a huge hit. Also, this was the first time that our Beautiful team took part in an event in Italy, and I must say, the turnout has been very positive.
Muriel Santoni, Monday 28 September 2015

Content creation : our tutorial

It’s no secret by now that great content is a significant marketing asset. It’s a strategy which has proven useful time and time again. Even if beneficial to the businesses that rely on it, it can also be quite demanding and time consuming. Small businesses often can’t afford to dedicate an actual team to the task and can, as result, feel somewhat lost when faced with the challenges of content creation. That is why we've decided to put together a quick tutorial for you, to pinpoint the main stages the creative process, with an infographic, synthesizing the information while serving as a reminder for future use ;)
Muriel Santoni, Friday 25 September 2015

Girl Power @ GoodBarber

After the Marketing Team, it is now time for the Developers' Team to welcome new members! Today, we are thrilled to introduce three additions, women only if you please! Meet our « GoodBarber’s Angels » : Dina, Natacha and Marie-Catherine who have joined our native developing team for the better.  Girl power is taking over GoodBarber, see for yourself ;)
Isabella Leland, Thursday 24 September 2015

Ad blocking going mobile and how native apps can benefit from it

One of the most talked about features of the latest Apple operating system version, iOS 9, is how it now allows its users to enable ad blocking apps. The big question is, will ad blocking become big for mobile or not? Pointers seem to be heading towards a yes. As it turns out, ad blocking apps reached the top spots on the App Store within a day of the iOS 9 release. Crystal, Purify, these are the seemingly innocent names posing as a threat to mobile ad revenues.  
Written on Tuesday 22 September 2015

LunchBOX: waxing made glamorous with a Beautiful App

Hello GoodBarbers! Today, we are showcasing an app which caught our eye in many ways. But, first, its really their icon which got us wondering what LunchBOX could be about. When we found out, we thought it was the perfect combination of fun and clever and felt we had to share it here.  
Isabella Leland, Monday 21 September 2015

4 reasons apps get deleted and how to avoid them

As an app creator you obviously hope your app will be downloaded, but for it to be an actual winner, you most certainly don’t want it to get deleted afterwards. In order to make sure your users stick around, here are some of the most common reasons why apps get deleted within the first minutes, if not seconds, of their being downloaded. Of course, we don’t want to leave you hanging so we’ve included easy to implement solutions to bypass these pitfalls. Read on!
João Marcelo Martins, Tuesday 15 September 2015

ANDROID APP: How to nail your update (Infographic)

Even if it is a little simpler to update your app on Google Play when compared to the App Store, it's a process that surely can get better with the help of a Beautiful infographic from GoodBarber, specially made to ensure you succeed and make your life a bit easier!