Muriel Santoni, Thursday 10 September 2015

Over 1500 icons for your Apps

Hello GoodBarbers!  Today, I am pleased to introduce a new update which I am particularly thrilled about, given how particular I am when it comes to design and details! As you might have figured out already I am here to discuss our brand new collections of icons, specifically created so that you can even further customize your Beautiful App. So, let’s have a look...
Written on Tuesday 8 September 2015

TV Guará: the Mobile TV Channel!

Hello GoodBarbers, Today we are live from Guará, Brasil to introduce you to a local Brazilian TV channel's excellent live streaming video app. TV Guará is a project founded by Sérgio Salomão with the purpose of broadcasting the Guará region's local news, as well as national and international news for all of the region's inhabitants. The project is divided into two main platforms: a website and a native app, available for both Android and iOS. Today I would like to focus on the app, and the big question is: 
Isabella Leland, Friday 4 September 2015

From South Carolina to Corsica

Hello Goodbarbers, My name is Isabella Monnier Leland and I am the new English Community Manager here at GoodBarber. I was born in Charleston, South Carolina and although I’ve spent most of my life in France I cherish my American roots very much, traveling across the Atlantic ocean as often as I can. Therefore, who knew I’d end up in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, and yet, for almost a year now, I’ve been happy to call Corsica home! I remember being drawn to the Internet very early on, a passion which has turned into a career. I’ve worked in Paris as an online journalist and social media - blogging expert for several years prior to joining the GoodBarber team. This new chapter is the perfect experience to further expend my knowledge of the online world, this time by contributing to craft a community of Beautiful App enthusiasts. On a more personal note, I’m passionate about protecting the environment and as of late, the wonders of Corsica. I love music and coming up with all sorts of playlists. I enjoy watching movies or series but can be very picky since I don’t like wasting my time on stories that leave me uninspired. I used to have a big case of wanderlust but it’s been cured since moving to beautiful Corsica, although I still have an ever growing list of places I’d love to visit around the world.  I’m looking forward to helping you bring your creative ideas to life!
Pritam Barhate, Thursday 3 September 2015

Trends to Look for in the Mobile Advertising Industry

eMarketer predicted that in 2016, mobile advertising will hit a milestone with $101.37 billion spent on mobile ads. In 2014, mobile ad revenue was $42.63 billion with digital advertisements accounting for 29.4%. In 2016, this percentage will rise to 51.1% of total mobile ad spending.   These numbers exemplify the ever-changing trends in the mobile advertising industry. By the end of the year, mobile ad spending is expected to reach $68 billion with digital ads accounting for around 40%. A few years back this seemed impossible, but with the large global increase in mobile users, companies have started investing in mobile advertising.   This global revolution is bringing new trends to the market. Let's have a look at some of the future trends we expect to see in the mobile advertising industry.
João Marcelo Martins, Friday 28 August 2015

From Brazil to Corsica (with some stops on the way)

Hello GoodBarbers!   I’m João Marcelo and just joined GoodBarber to take care of and be the Community Manager for the Portuguese speaking markets. I’m a southern Brazilian guy that has always been eager to discover what every corner of the world is like. Right after I got my Bachelors in International Relations (with a focus on Marketing and Business) I decided it was time to take the challenge to the next level, so I moved to the Czech Republic to be part of the international expansion team in a video production startup. After almost a year there, I moved to Berlin to explore the new, young and innovative environment of the city. And, I must say, being in such a fast paced and creative place, changed the way I see business - for the better! On this entrepreneurial journey I got to know GoodBarber and the great challenge that was ahead of me in Corsica. Being a marketing and people lover, I’ll make all the effort needed to make our users and the company grow. So I invite you to take part on this new journey, and let's make some Beautiful Apps!
Written on Thursday 27 August 2015

The best features for a Mobile Native App

Hey GoodBarbers,  Summer is close to its end, days are getting shorter and colder, and flashbacks of the happy summer nights are coming back to our minds as a Beautiful Movie. Even for us it's time to take a moment to look back on all that has been done, and enjoy all the beautiful features released this year :) Ready to start?
Tina Test, Friday 21 August 2015

Bringing Some Miami Spice...

Hello Goodbarbers,   My name is Tina Michele Acevedo and I am the new Customer Care Manager for the Spanish speaking markets. I come to you all the way from Miami, Florida.   I studied and worked in New York City for many years and I gladly waved goodbye to it all to be a part of the GoodBarber team! I studied design and communications in school. In the past, I have worked in communications, content development, and community management for a variety of organizations that range from art galleries to start-ups and I am hoping to contribute the knowledge I’ve accumulated, to GoodBarber. In my last position at a start-up, I discovered my love of finding innovative and fun ways to guide users on how to use technology.   Some interesting facts about me: I am a published writer and I have also written a novella. Moreover, I dabble in painting. My curiosity is insatiable, I like to know anything there is about everything. I am currently working on completing my enormous bucket list. Now that I am in Corsica with the GoodBarber team, I can scratch off ‘’live on an island!’’   I look forward to helping you all achieve the ultimate GoodBarber experience!   Cheers, Tina Michele
Arianna Testi, Tuesday 18 August 2015

Mobile Navigation Mode - Grid and Swipe

Hey GoodBarbers, today is design day here at GoodBarber so I will take this opportunity to showcase two of the most popular navigation mode templates and the new details we have just released for them. Ladies and Gentlemen, today's stars are : The Grid and Swipe Navigation Mode!!
Muriel Santoni, Monday 17 August 2015

Multi-Cultural Marketing: Be Open to the World!

"The world is yours to explore" This saying has never been more true than in the past few years, due to the rise of digitalization, increased power of social networks, the lessening of barriers between countries, and international communication being at almost everyone's disposition. However, to do things really well, there are a few key points to take into consideration when addressing an international audience. At GoodBarber, we've taken on the challenge of making ourselves available to different markets all over the world, all while remaining based on our wonderful, but tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean. 
Written on Tuesday 11 August 2015

"Angolo del diabetico": how an app can help you!

3 million Italians are affected by diabetes. I would like to talk to you about an innovative and cutting edge app that has the goal of improving the lives of these people and helping them with daily management and prevention. I contacted the creator of this app to tell me more about this project...
Muriel Santoni, Monday 10 August 2015

Increase Your Viralness: Study the Behavior of Facebook Users

When setting up a social network strategy, the ultimate goal we are trying to reach is creating interaction with our audience. Appealing information that is widely spread by internet users is the meaning of buzz, and therefore synonymous with boosting visibility. Every community manager is on the quest for more shares, so we often test many types of posts and measure the results in order to understand which has the most impact on our audience depending on the industry we're working in. But let's be pragmatic, maybe first we should try to understand what is motivating us and all of our fellow viewers to share content on social networks—Facebook in particular.  This is the question posed by Neil Patel , co-founder of several American startups, including Quickspourt
Michele Pisani, Friday 7 August 2015

A Calabrian boy around Europe

Ciao,   My name is Michele and I’m the new Italian Community Marketing manager here at GoodBarber. Globetrotter by vocation, I was born in a small city situated very close to Trieste, where I lived until I was 6, before moving to Calabria with my family. I studied Communication and Journalism in Rome, a city that I love and hate at the same time, which is usually the case in most complicated love stories. I also have a fantastic Erasmus experience in Salamanca  under my belt, and an equally intense period in Dublin with the Leonardo program. I have various experiences in the media field (newspapers, web agencies, the communication department of a political party, and radio—my greatest passion). I spent the past year and a half living in Milan where I worked in the marketing department of a small pharmaceutical company. I speak Italian, English and Spanish and I’d love to learn French and Portuguese too. I'm addicted to social media, love rock music, the 80s, sleeping on the beach, football and eggplant parmigiana. And great challenges, of course! That’s why now I’m here at GoodBarber! ;) Ps: Follow me on Twitter @jpmontoya1
Written on Tuesday 4 August 2015

The App Developer's Dictionary Volume I : General Terms

Even when using a simplified platform to develop an app, the number of terms and concepts you need to be aware of can be overwhelming. We've compiled a non-exhaustive guide to some of the most common lingo used in the mobile world, also including GoodBarber-specific terms. Part I of the dictionary includes some of the terms often mentioned in our blog articles, as well as in our responses to frequently asked questions. 
Jerome Granados, Monday 3 August 2015

How Do New GoodBarber Features Emerge?

Before GoodBarber was created, we were amongst the first few companies in the world to develop iPhone applications. At the time, app builders did not exist. The app features we developed were determined by client requests—they told us their needs and we delivered a custom-made product. For example, we created the first version of the M6 Replay app, allowing shows from the famous French TV channel to be viewed on demand, or even the app for the European Space Agency, letting viewers watch the Ariane rocket take off.  Things were going well, but we were dreaming of something bigger. We were dreaming about GoodBarber.  
Arianna Testi, Thursday 30 July 2015

3 Tools to Better Manage your User Base

It's already been several months since we released the User Authentication Add-On, and many of you didn't waste one minute to activate it. Recently we have released another Add-On—let's say the daughter of User Authentication: the User Group, that as you well know enables you to divide your user base into groups and manage the access/restriction of the sections. Now, to anticipate the upcoming release of the new member of this User Family, the Community Add-On, I'm here to show you 3 tools that will help you explore and better manage your Beautiful User Base.
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 29 July 2015

Apple Developer Account—Latest News

Big news for those who have, or are planning to get an Apple Developer Account. From now on, you won't have to manually renew your subscription each time it's up. Apple recently decided to implement an automatic renewal system for the Developer Program subscription, which means one less thing for you to worry about! You may think this isn't such a big deal, but think again. Maybe it hasn't happened to you, but I've seen many a developer have their app unexpectedly removed from the App Store, just because they forgot to renew their contract. Luckily, this is no longer a risk—you don't have to worry anymore about losing users just because of a moment of forgetfulness.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 24 July 2015

GoodBarber Now Available in Brazilian!

Hello GoodBarbers! Today we have some good news for our Brazilian friends: the back office and apps are now available in Brazilian! We already offered the option for you to set your back office and app in Portuguese. But as we are aware that there are significant differences between the two languages, we felt that it was essential to provide the choice of Brazilian as well, in order for you to make the most of our interface and your beautiful apps. Now it's done! Stay tuned, GoodBarber's Brazilian adventure has only just begun!
Muriel Santoni, Monday 20 July 2015

Music—A Considerable Marketing Asset

"Music exists to speak the words we can't explain" Music is a big part of our world—it's the universal language. Today, music plays an integral role in the strategy of many big-name brands, just like design, visual identity, or even marketing as a whole. The times when consumers were open eyes and ears, receptive to any old advertisement have passed, and now it's necessary to raise awareness amongst them and make them feel close to you all through focusing on their main interests. Music is one of the best ways to effectively reach your target, regardless of what your final goals are.  Here are a few things to take into account when building a music strategy: