GoodBarber Team, Thursday 29 September 2016

Agency Spotlight: Winning in the App Market With Proexe

For our next featured agency, we are proud to introduce Proexe, a Polish company with some quite impressive accomplishments under their belt. Maciej, the CEO of Proexe, will give us some insight into his success.
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 15 September 2016

Download GoodBarber News

Did you know you can keep up with our latest news and updates using the GoodBarber News app? Available on iOS and Android, it features lots of free resources, just a tap away, to make the most of our app builder while staying in the know about all things related to the mobile app market.
Written on Tuesday 13 September 2016

Monetize your app with our Back to school season tips

We know that monetizing apps is a pressing issue. After all, even if using an app builder reduces development costs, the more cost efficient a mobile app the better. Considering that you are already investing a lot of time and effort into engaging your audience, budget shouldn’t be something weighing you down.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 2 September 2016

Agency Spotlight: The Success Story of Reformed Media

Welcome to our newest blog series in which we will be focusing exclusively on agency success stories! Here you will find valuable insight, knowledge, and tips from individuals whom we consider to be experts in the app selling industry, who have been kind enough to give us a glimpse into their world and unique experiences. Kicking off the series with his expertise in one booming industry is Eric Pastorek, from the agency Reformed Media.
Isabella Leland, Friday 2 September 2016

What changes will the latest App Store improvements implement?

Yesterday, the news broke that Apple released a statement about upcoming App Store Improvements. If you are an iOS developer and have already submitted an app to the App Store, chances are you received the information in your inbox. But, in case you haven’t checked it out yet, let’s look at some of the key takeaways from the message published by the Cupertino company on September 1st, 2016.
João Marcelo Martins, Wednesday 17 August 2016

Leveraging Mobile Apps in Politics

The relationship between representatives and citizens is in constant evolution. But today, more than ever, it’s changing fast, with social networks and a global context. On the contrary, there’s also a growing need for transparency and reciprocity, at a local level. So, let’s discuss this topic everyone is interested in - the exercise of citizenship in a digital world.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 12 August 2016

How to create an app for museums

Apps are an extremely useful, but unfortunately underutilized tool for the museum industry. Everything a costly, tree-killing brochure provided by every museum does, an app can do more quickly, cheaply, efficiently, and overall better!
Isabella Leland, Monday 8 August 2016

How to delete #annoying from the advertising strategy of your app?

As an app publisher considering advertising to monetize your app, you’ve landed in the right spot. Indeed, with our app builder you have the possibility to enable flexible advertising solutions, with the opportunity to manage them first hand. Today, we will also give you a few guidelines on how to avoid annoying advertising practices and make your ad placements more interesting and ultimately, more effective.
Written on Wednesday 3 August 2016

Become an appreneur with one brilliant app concept

Have you ever given thought to taking advantage of trending topics to launch an app for your business or, to advertise your reseller skills to clients while demonstrating your reactivity? Benchmarking trends and other successful applications out there can be a tremendous source of inspiration. In that respect, today we are going to show you how to use our app builder to bring together an already existing community by creating an in-app space tailored to them.
Dress Izumi, Tuesday 2 August 2016

3 Smart Tips to Organize Your Work During Your Holidays

Holidays are a time to relax, disconnect and forget about what is going on at the office. At least, that's what we should be doing in order to recharge our batteries for when we get back, right? But you may have realized that, nowadays, our work often overlaps with our personal life, even during time off. With the internet and the transition to everything mobile, work tends to follow us everywhere. Being aware of it is the first step towards managing this new work / life balance. The second is finding the right organization. 
Isabella Leland, Thursday 28 July 2016

Loyalty Program: how we create and launch new features

As you can imagine, each new feature release brings new questions among our team, as well as with our community of GoodBarbers. The launch of our loyalty program was no exception, and to address them, we figured: who of all people to answer your questions better than the ones behind it all?
Isabella Leland, Friday 22 July 2016

Behind the Scenes! 3 Things You Might Not Know About GoodBarber

As entrepreneurs, nothing is more encouraging than taking a step back to look at the road covered so far. It’s the best form of encouragement and self-motivation. But, “happiness is only real when shared”, isn’t it? So today, we’ve decided to share with you the vision behind some aspects of our product you might not be familiar with, as well as a quick immersion into the GoodBarber family. Let's go!
GoodBarber Team, Monday 18 July 2016

4 App Concepts That Don't Require Publishing

Interested in creating an app but not so fond of the idea of publishing it to the stores? Maybe your project is not meant to be available to the general public, or maybe you are just not in the mood to go through the publishing process...whichever the case, the Apple Enterprise Account (no special developer account is required for Android apps), allows you to distribute your app only to the individuals you choose—nobody else will see it. Read on for some app concepts that allow you to forget about publishing and create a more personal, exclusive space for the users.
Jerome Granados, Thursday 7 July 2016

The Ultimate 5 Pro Tips for Mobile App Design

While working in the GoodBarber marketing team, I always dedicate as much time as possible to the support. I love to be in direct contact with our users and take the pulse of our product. Among the questions I receive, every now and then, design comes up. Not only how to design a Beautiful App with GoodBarber, but general principles also, such as how to choose the right navigation mode or how to deliver an outstanding user experience. So, without further ado, let me give you 5 pro tips for mobile app design. See how these little big details can make the difference: 
Written on Wednesday 6 July 2016

Why you should be creating an app on your Summer staycation

"Being on holiday is not having anything to do and having all day to do it." - Robert Orben How many of you feel disoriented during holidays? There can be something unsettling when switching from a very frenetic schedule to not having anything to do at all. Sometimes it might even take a turn for the worse, with some of us experiencing leisure sickness (that thing that happens when you catch a cold on your first day off). This is especially true if your Summer plans consist of a staycation.
Sara Guiral, Tuesday 5 July 2016

5 tips to create the perfect app for your Football Fan Club!

Several members of the #GBcrew are big football fans. There's even a weekly match, organized by our Lead Android Developer, Sergio. Recently, Euro 2016 made for some excitement around the office, not only was it held in France, but also, with an office in Lisbon, the outcome of the competition was closely followed. What about you? Do you easily get caught up in the football spirit? If the answer is yes, let us explain to you how you can easily combine your passion for football and mobile apps, by creating a Beautiful App for your Supporters Club, without necessarily spending a huge amount of money.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 1 July 2016

Meet the New Faces of Our Team

Hello GoodBarbers! It’s been a while since we introduced new #GBcrew members on our blog. Yet, it doesn’t mean that we haven’t been welcoming new talents among our Beautiful team. In fact, in the last few months, we’ve probably made more additions to our crew than ever in the past. 
Isabella Leland, Tuesday 28 June 2016

Loyalty card: how to pick a validation process

With our platform, integrating a Loyalty Card into your app is just one click away. However, even though the set up is intuitive, you might be wondering how to introduce a loyalty program to your clients in the most relevant way. Obviously, usage of a loyalty card varies from one business to the next. We hope that the examples we’ve listed below will help you find the inspiration you need to craft a loyalty program which will make your business enter a new dimension.
Written on Monday 27 June 2016

It's a win! Bruno Langlois comes in 1st place at Pikes Peak 2016

A few days ago, we announced that we were sponsoring Bruno Langlois for his participation in the 2016 edition of the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. It was safe to have high expectations, after all, the Corsican champion was Pikes Peak winner in 2013, and came in third place at Pikes Peak 2015. 
Isabella Leland, Friday 24 June 2016

Agency Tips - With Business, What Goes Around Comes Around

First, we want to say: congratulations! Because if the time has come for you that a competitor agency tries to steal your clients away, it means you are a cut above the rest. Just like other businesses starting to pay attention to your employees is usually a good indicator of your company’s health and notoriety.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 20 June 2016

Agency Tips - How Can my Client Preview his App?

An important part of the sales process of an app is the product demo. This may take place before or after the deal has be sealed, but either way, your client will absolutely want to preview the application that will be representing their company before it goes public.